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Will the BW component remain in SAP S/4 or be phased out ?

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I would like to pose the question of embedded analytics in SAP S/4.  I’ve been using the BW component in SAP S/4 with SAC and it has worked a treat.  With the embedded objects and the ability to do real-time reporting using SAP Calculation views on BW  as well as using persisted ADSO it has been a good solution.  But does anybody have any blogs or info from SAP that this is to remain or will it be phased out in later releases in favour of CDS views?

or better still any up to date blogs promoting the usage of BW embedded analytics.

thanks all



Community Administrator
Community Administrator

You would get more attention on your question if you post the Q&A area, this area here is more for off topics. I'd suggest maybe here? I'd also reply back to this thread with a link to the question when you post it so that you close the loop here.

Active Contributor
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Please do a proper search online first, as you can find a lot of info in the SAP Blogs as well as a SAP Overall Data Warehousing Document online ...

As Craig states, this is not the place for such Questions ...

Kind regards

Nic T.