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Overseas opportunities

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Looking for Overseas opportunities

Hello Experts, I have completed Certification in Co i would like to know about overseas opportunities. Is that good idea???  If yes, which are the placement partners will help with this regard…


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hi RameshKumar

It may be difficult for anyone to give advise without specifying what your country is and what you certification is. As well as that, generally work experience is usually helpful to know to provide guidance as well.

If you were to think through your question you might find advise over in the Careers space.



0 Kudos

Hello Colleen,

I'm from India and i would like to find some opportunities in UK and Germany, i have done my certification in Controlling... i have 6 yrs of Domain experience(as end user for OIL & Gas company British petroleum) in Accenture..


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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As Accenture is a global consulting company, have you inquired with your management if there is a job opportunity for assignment in one of those countries? Though am confused, how do you have end user experience if you work for Accenture (Admittedly, I am only familiar with services in my country).

I would go into further comments but Gopi has beat me to it. If you work for a consultancy they may have opportunities for you to go "onsite".



Former Member
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Hi Ramesh,

This is not easy job to get immediately work in UK and Germany.  There are lot of regulations to get a job in UK and Germany.  It takes minimum 3 to 6 months to get a visa, however if you have niche skill and company willing to sponsor your visa.

The best way to get the onsite opportunity, if you work in Indian software companies then you can request your account manager to go to onsite UK or Germany.  Some Account managers in software companies may guide you, how to go to UK or Germany under their project accounts.

If you look at many IT professionals who have more than 5 years of experience, they are trying to get onsite opportunity, however sometimes they couldn't get it.

Other suggestion, you can join SAP UK and Germany specific LinkedIn job groups, where they post the SAP jobs for UK and Germany.  However, the preference goes to local SAP people because they are already present.

Some people have cracked into onsite because some SAP skills hard to get in their country, so they recruit outside (also recruiting companies have to prove UK and Germany immigration in their country that no resource available to recruit, then they can get someone from outside).



Active Contributor
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Hi Ramesh,

I would say, opportunity in UK can be ruled out.

Legally Tier 1 (General) visas are closed.

The other options is Tier 2 (General) or Tier 2 (short term / long term) - In first case you should find a sponsor, which is not easy, moreover, financially not viable, you would only make the sponsor good.

Second one is for certain period, which is through intracompany, again you need to go back to India, during the cool off period.

Germany - Again the same case. Getting visas in Europe is extremely difficult, unless the good companies are ready to sponsor.

In Europe, the companies need to prove to the Government, they did not find any local talent. There are number of visa and regulations to be satisfied. Moreover, the market here is UK is very competitive with number of candidates with less number of jobs available on the market.

The best thing is please join Linkedin groups in Europe, then try to contact consistently with the Employment agencies / HR consultants, hopefully, somebody would be able to show a way.

Hope this helps.

Kind Regards,


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Thanks guys