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user exit

Former Member
0 Kudos


why am i not able to hit the userexit_move_field_to_vbap

when iam changing a sales order line item field.

( i set the breakpoint in one of teh includes in that exit.)


Developer Advocate
Developer Advocate
0 Kudos

Put your breakpoint on one of the statements in the FORM userexit_move_field_to_vbap. Does it stop there? Do you have to click save to fire this FORM?


Rich Heilman

0 Kudos

Can you please post your code for this routine? I think, all you have in this code is include statement. Is that correct? If so, your first include may have a check statement at the very begining and may be that check statement condition is failing. Double click on the include and put your breakpoint on the first executable line of that include.

If you have check statements in includes, and the condition fails, the control will not go any further. It will come out of the routine.


Former Member
0 Kudos


I have a stupid question,

have you restart the transactin VA01 or VA02 after you put the break point?

0 Kudos

yes i did,

i dont know whats happening..

may be i will try hard coding the break point and try.

0 Kudos

in change mode that is in va02

i believe that the exit is not triggered when u change a line item field.

0 Kudos

Hi KP;

It should. Can you check something for me? Could you go to SE38 and type in the program name MV45AFZZ - the include program that owns the form?

Once you do that, try the "where used" function to see if it is included in the main program SAPMV45A. That needs to be the case for the user exit to work. If it is not there, there is a program you can run to put it there. I am looking for that program right now, but maybe you could check that in the meantime.



0 Kudos

Put a break-point in this include 'FV45PFAP_VBAP_FUELLEN' in the form 'form vbap_fuellen.' on this statement

  • Userexit

perform userexit_move_field_to_vbap(sapmv45a).

This is almost at the end of the above form.

Then go through it step by step.
