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Sales order delivery(VL03n) - Attcahment fntp pointer change.

Former Member
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Hi !

In my sales order delivery screen we have a option for attachment list which shows the service attachment list line and when we double click on it it takes as to the attcahment or opens up the attcahment. I would like to chnage the address of the file it points to as right now where it points to shows erroras its not pointing at the right directiuon . I would like to change the fntp so that that it poitns to the right folder and opens up the correct attachment. Could anyone please let me know where do i go to change that.



Active Contributor
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if your stroage is

in GOS use transaction OAOR


in DMS then use transaction CV02N

0 Kudos

Hi a®s,

I want to write a Remote Function Call to downloading GOS attachment files for other Systems, Downloading GOS attachment for Dialog User Type is success by using FM: SO_OBJECT_DOWNLOAD now, But when a user type of Reference, Downloading is lost,why? And how I can do it.

Thank you.

Former Member
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