I needs creattion date of COSB table record. I find in COSB table there is no field related to Date or time.
Please give info about to get creation date of COSB table record
All,I have the following requirementWe have Z custom SAP scripts and Smartforms that has been designed for usage of multiple company codes. ie 1 form has been used for multiple company codes for single output type.Now my requirement is to create sepa...
All,I have the following code While executing system is pointing to sy-tabix, but the data I am getting in the READ statement is from last record in the internal tablereport z_9699_30.tables : eket.types : begin of ty_eket. include structure ...
I am having a workflow and i am putting condition for one of the events thru SWDD--> Goto--> Basic data --> start eventsBut after putting condition and activiate the condition, still it showing as "No conditionIn the attached image you can see "RESPO...
We are having SAP change document object PROJ. This contains the following tables. (View thru SCDO). Now i wanted to add field from AFVC-PRKST into the change document for PROJ. My final requirement is whenever i change the network primary cost from ...
I am not sure about maintaining the forms name unique in TVARV table.I am preferred to do with custom table like Field NameTypeLengthDescriptionKSCHLCHAR4Output TypeBUKRSCHAR4Company CodeFTYPECHAR1Form Type SCRIPT/SMARTFORMSFNAMECHAR40script Name o...
Hi,I am not fully understood your commentthat means we should not use declaration like the following
data: wa_eket type ty_eket.data: it_eket like sorted table of wa_eket with unique key pr...