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What is the use of Match code amd how can i create a mathch code. explain step by step.

Thank you



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Refer to these related threads

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Macro Choosefields (&Fieldname [Choose)... [Copy EndMacro

/SE11 "ABAP Data Dictionary

<Object name "the name of the Match Code Object

*Matchcode objects

[Create ><Short Text ><Primary Table


[Yes "Save before terminating Editing?

><Development Class [Save

[Choose Sec. Tab. "presents candidate list

(&Tablename [Choose)... [Copy


[Yes "Save before terminating Editing?


(&Tablename [Choose Fields #Choosefields)..

[Save [Back [Activate

"Match Code Object is now created and activated.

Matchcodes are an SAP technique to help users find information, normally in

connection with the F4 key on an input field. Information from one or more

tables can be combined and queried on using various search criteria: for

example, all companies whose name starts with "TATA" and whose location is


Traditionally, matchcodes were implemented as redundant collections of data

in pool tables, as illustrated in the following:

Company header table Company detail table Matchcode pool table

(TAB1) (TAB2) (M_POOL)

The advantage of the old pool matchcodes was a quick and easy search, as

long as the significant fields were entered by the end user (in this case,

company name and location). The disadvantage was that for every change in

the master tables, the system had to make redundant updates in the matchcode

tables. In addition, it was impossible to search in a pool matchcode for any

but the significant fields, i.e., it would have been very CPU intensive to

search for all companies in San Francisco.

This limitation led to the creation of matchcodes (more precisely, in SAP

terms, "matchcode IDs") for every possible query you could expect from end

users (one with company name as the significant field, one with location,

yet another with customer number, and so on). Customers with a very high

number of debitors, for example, soon found that their pool matchcode tables

grew to unmanageable sizes.

As of release 2.1, it is now possible to define so-called transparent or

view matchcodes. Transparent matchcodes are implemented by defining a

database view for the information that should be queried. Database views are

not redundant containers of data, but are merely definitions of paths to

obtaining that data. In the example:

Company header table Company detail table Database view:

(TAB1) (TAB2) (M_VIEW)

The advantage of this new technique is that it is no longer necessary to

maintain redundant matchcode data: a view takes only a small amount of

database dictionary space. Using this technique, the query is converted by

the database to a query against the original tables, so it becomes very

important that access be supported by the proper indexes.

<u><b>CHECK THIS LINK</b></u>

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Pavan praveen

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Match code is nothing but the Search help in Higher versions

It is same way from SE11 you have to create.

so from SE11 create it and use it.

Matchcode objects are being replaced by search helps. This is good as search helps are easy to create. However, it has caused some confusion on how best to add search helps to a selection field.

The trick that I found is to keep your newly created search helps to a 4-character name. The Matchcode object name has this old 4-character limit. This trick is not documented anywhere in the system but it has been a great time saver for me. You can expand this concept by finding existing SAP search helps that are more than 4-characters, copy them to a 4-character name and presto, you have a new matchcode object available for use

Check this thread to get detailed info

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Match Code is a tool to help us to search for data records in the system. Match codes are an efficient and user-friendly search aid where <u><b>key of a record is unknown.</b></u>

A matchcode is a tool to search for data records in the system. Matchcodes are an efficient and user-friendly search aid for cases where the key of a record is unknown.

It consists of two stages one is Match code object and the other is Matchcode ID.A matchcode object describes the set of all possible search paths for a search term.Matchcode ID describes a special search path for a search term.

maximum number of match code Id's that can be defined for one Match code object is 36.