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Some of the trending and popular topics these days  are  Internet of things , Big Data and Mobility , so  we are being constantly challenged to adopt and use technologies which will meet new demands.

This challenge is not new as Application development on SAP 's always not what it is like today.

SAP technologies have come a long way from developing user interfaces using ABAP Dynpro to now Fiori user interfaces applications. Web applications using CGI script/RFC interface days to now OData based Web services.  In the intervening years , technologies transcended ERP data integration using DCOM, Java EJB , ITS, Business connector & Service Oriented Netweaver Architecture.

What has remained constant is the need to integrate data & processes to improve on latency in business and to make user more productive  and  (of course) need to keep abreast with technologies.I think goal of any user interface technology remains the same which is to provide a great user experience to business applications user that make them successful at work.

With its scalable  architecture, life cycle management and built in security, roles and  support for multiple languages and no special need for ERP data integration SAP becomes obvious undisputed leading choice for web application development , though remains a constant challenge for creating user interfaces that consumers are accustomed to using in other environments including open source platforms.

One can built user interfaces on SAP using  native controls and libraries or extend the SAP application using what is freely available in the open source technologies.i.e. SAPUI5 and Open user interfaces can be used in both HANA and SAP Business suite using web application server or ERP Data can be easily integrated with open source technologies and SAP provides technology mechanisms to achieve it.

Illustrated below is one such example of using contemporary open source UI technology with native SAP application development .

A very popular way to visualize data on website is using Google Charts. These are based on HTML5/SVG  graphics and are cross-browser compatible and cross-platform portable, and easily connect data real time for interactive charts and dashboard. Google has many types of charts available in their gallery , one if it is motion chart which  provides animating and visualization of the SAP data as shown in the video recording of a chart running on SAP application server.

It is easy to visualize & compare sales data for multiple variables in only one graph and visualize the data trends as depicted in motion chart.

Javascript is all you need to embed in your BSP or HANA XS Application. The sample code for charts or graphs you would like to adopt to your needs are available on

Though the chart  shown in the video has been developed as Business Server Page Application on SAP and since chart is running on SAP web application server , if needed it can be provided as link to other web or mobile application, with being mindful of cross domain access security policy enforcement.  Another way could be to use a ABAP web service to collect sales data  and provide it as  XML or JSON data format  output. This web service response data then could be consumed by any external web or mobile application in Javascript  to draw google motion chart.

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