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I have been to various SAP events when working in SAP and other companies, but always as an attendee. But this time when I saw the announcement of SIT Bengaluru 2023, I couldn't stop myself not just attend but registered myself as speaker. To my surprise, I got to know it got nominated! My topic was "Discovering Open-Source ABAP" which was scheduled at 10 AM for Track 8.

The next part was to prepare my presentation carefully so that I can convey it to the audience within 25 minutes of my given time but still making sure I can pass the important concepts and ideas to them.

In the morning when I reached my old company, I felt nostalgic as always. The heart still bleed blue. I collected the registration badge and speaker t-shirt. I came across the highly energized organizers subh4171 and maheshkumar.palavalli  and shared greetings.

Me along with Mahesh Palavalli and SIT Kolkata team

Above all, got a chance to meet none other than sindhu.gangadharan which was always on top of my wishlist.

Me with Sindhu

Me with Sindhu and SIT Kolkata team

At 9.30 AM, the event started with keynote from sindhu.gangadharan . The way she started and engaged the audience is truly remarkable, I couldn't imagine a better start than this.

Then at 10 AM as planned, my session "Discovering Open-Source ABAP" was started in Track 8.

Session Started!

Session Agenda

I gave an overview of various open-source ABAP projects which is a great offering to the SAP community and by the SAP community. I was glad to see many enthusiastic audience joining the session and found it really helpful which was a big satisfaction to me as a speaker.

Afterwards, I did join several other sessions like BTP CAP Storyboarding by subh4171 which was a new learning followed by some sessions ranging on SAP Build Process Automation, Event Driven Architecture and Gen. AI sessions etc. amazing stuffs!

Finally at 4.30, the sessions were ended with a high note with a promise to see the crowd again in TechEd Bangalore on November 2023. Besides, it was a sweet surprise for me to be one of the lucky speakers to receive a title from SAP Press!

The lucky ones!

The day was certainly one of the memorable days of my life. Such a vibrant people from diverse organizations and business communities, so much positive energies around. I want to convey my heartfelt thanks to SITBLR event organizers for conducting it so well. Surely looking forward to meet you all again in next SITBLR.

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