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Hi ABAP-ers!

You are probably already familiar with one of the following methods to create dynamic popup screens




But let's make them a little bit more flexibly in a OOP term.


1)  First of all how to transfer context between a SCREEN and your program?

It's more likely that in selection or regular screens you create special structures. So let's assume that we are declared one.

BEGIN OF ts_context,
p_bukrs TYPE bukrs,
p_bdc_m TYPE ettcd_mode, " <-- listbox by domain
p_mandt TYPE t001-mandt, " <-- listbox in runtime
p_check TYPE xsdboolean,
s_user TYPE offline_log_user_itab, " Range <-- cl_ci_query_attributes no SH
p_land1 TYPE t005t-land1,
p_fld_i TYPE syindex, " do not use i! use from dictionary
p_fld_i2 TYPE sytabix, " do not use i! use from dictionary
" String & tables also Ok
" p_memo TYPE stringval,
END OF ts_context.

So if we want to pass the initial values to a screen just pass the above structure in ir_context parameter.
    DATA(lo_scr_1020) = NEW zcl_eui_screen(
ir_context = new ts_context( p_bukrs = '1000' )

But if we want get inputted vales back we have to create additional lr_contextvariable.
    DATA(lr_context) = new ts_context( p_bukrs = '1000' ).

" Context transfer
DATA(lo_scr_1020) = NEW zcl_eui_screen(
iv_dynnr = zcl_eui_screen=>mc_dynnr-dynamic
ir_context = lr_context ).

" If the user clicked OK
CHECK lo_scr_1020->popup( )->show( ) = 'OK'.

" Get result
DATA(lv_new_bukrs) = lr_context->p_bukrs.


As you already noticed there are could be:

  • Parameters

  • Select-options

  • Checkboxes

  • Listboxes

  • Memo field (strings)

  • And even tables

result based on a structure

String & tables fields are not so common, but sometimes they can be very helpful.


2) Screen customization

2.1 - Usually Ok & Cancel buttons are enough, but you can set your own PF-STATUS in SET_STATUS method.

For SET TITLEBAR just pass the title in a string format
DATA(lo_scr_1020) = NEW zcl_eui_screen( iv_dynnr = '1020'
)->set_status( VALUE #( title = 'Screen title'
prog = sy-cprog



Your can use PAI & PBO events for customization

But personally I prefer to pass the PBO logic in rules form, since very often in LOOP AT SCREEN syntax could be very long and quite confusing.


I hope the meaning of this syntax is clear without explanation, since the parameters correspond to the SCREEN fields.
  " Gray
lo_screen->customize( name = 'P_FLD_01' input = '0' ).

" Obligatory & change text
name = 'P_FLD_02'
required = '1'
iv_label = 'Make required' ).

  • NAME argument can contain wildcards, and GROUP1 & GROUP2 arguments could be useful for statically declared screens (dynamic screens are created via iv_dynnr = FREE_SEL or DYNAMIC, for statically created screens pass ordinary screen number)

  • Also you pass all rules in one IT_ parameter & and update the rules in PBO event.

3) User input validation

To validate user input (PAI) or change behavior in PBO you have to set handlers.

The current ZCL_EUI_SCREEN and previously mentioned ZCL_EUI_ALV class share common ancestor class

That's why all handlers are set in SHOW method

via IO_HANDLER argument

Closing sy-ucomm command is returned in RV_CLOSE_CMD parameter ('OK' or <> 'OK' for default PF-STATUS )


In PBO & PAI it is possible to call sender->get_context( ) method to access current context. The context will be updated with new values entered by a user.


For those who think that calling old fashioned FMs non comme il faut:
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