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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Update, 27th March, 2023

As always, the new ASE License is available here:

If necessary, search for "ABAP" and scroll down to 7.52 SP04.

The license will be valid until 31st March, 2025, for all versions of SAP ASE 16.0 within the developer editions.

Update, 26th April, 2022

ASE License is available here:

If necessary, scroll down to 7.52 SP04.

The license is valid for all versions of SAP ASE 16.0 within the developer editions.

IMPORTANT: The comment in this new license states that it was only valid until March 31st, 2022.

However, the comment seems to be an error. It should be valid until 31st March, 2023.

I have not yet been in a position to test this.

H/T to Former Member for letting the Community know quickly.

ASE License - valid until 31st March, 2023



Since we now have 6 blogs referring to 2 different versions of the download developer edition, blog comments are becoming unmanageable. In addition, searching through blog comments is very difficult for other users, resulting in many duplicate issues.

From now on, please DO NOT post a blog comment if you require troubleshooting.

Please post on the ABAP Development forum: ,

using the hashtag #ABAP_Trial.

In case of Linux problems read the Linux FAQ.

Thank you for your understanding.


I apologize for the inconvenience.
0 Kudos
Hi julie.plummer ,

is it also possible to get more developer keys than one for the User DEVELOPER?

Best Regards,

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Hi Maxim,

Not to the best of my knowledge. What is the use case for this?

Best wishes,

0 Kudos

I would like to give a developer training on this system for about 10-15 participants.


Best wishes,


0 Kudos
I'm trying to install the 7.52 SP04 Version. It failes due to licenses aswell.

After I found this thread (oh my, it took about 5 installation - tries until I searched the web?) my question is:

How can I get a ASE license, that is valid AFTER March 31st ?
0 Kudos
Hallo Markus,

have you found a way to extend ASE license beyound 31.03.2020?

Best Regards,

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Hi Markus, hi Michael,

This is described in the official guides:

Newbies’ Guide: 752 Virtual Box

Newbies’ Guide: 752 VMWare

Best wishes,
0 Kudos

Hi Julie,

Yes, it is described in the official guides. But the downloadable Sybase ASE license file still expires on March 31, 2020. In exactly 32 days the ASE database license file is not valid anymore. But I do not know how long is the grace period.


Best regards,


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Hi Jean,

There is no grace period after March 31, 2020.

I will investigate and get back to you.

Best wishes,

0 Kudos
Hi Julie,

thanks for the answer.
Can you be a little more specific?

The links state:
"Renewing your AS ABAP license
Many of you have asked about this: Yes, you can apply for a new license. Just use the same

procedure as above - in theory, indefinitely.

IMPORTANT: To use the developer key that we provide, you MUST del

ete your old license before you install the new one (as described in step 4 above). Otherwise, the system will generate a different license that no longer matches our preconfigured developer key."

Well. What point do I have to choose to renew the license?

"AS1 - SAP ASE Enterprise Edition evaluation" ?

Otherwise i'm provided the "normal" SAP ABAP Appliance license, which does not help for a problem with the database at all...



Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
Hi all,

Please see update at the top of the page: We can no longer supply the ASE license as a separate file.

Best wishes,

Julie Plummer.
0 Kudos
Good day Julie

I am trying to install on OpenSuse but get the error below can you assist.
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Hi Nivian,

Since we now have 6 blogs referring to 2 different versions of the download developer edition, blog comments are becoming unmanageable. In addition, searching through blog comments is very difficult for other users, resulting in many duplicate issues.

From now on, please DO NOT post a blog comment if you require troubleshooting.

Please post on the ABAP Development forum , using the hashtag #ABAP_Trial.

Thank you for your understanding.
0 Kudos
Hello Julie

Thank you very much for your useful blogs.
I hope this post is not for troubleshooting but a general question on the theme of the blog (Ase License).
Taking into account the great work that is installing this trial version (between installation, configuration, adjustments, it costs a lot of time and work, at leas for me) so that after a year (hopefully) it cannot be used I would like to ask if it`s considered a new trial version based on MaxDB, instead of Sybase, if this is now technically and legally feasible.
With the previous trial (NSP) based on MaxDB until today there have been no such problems.

Thank you
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Hi Alfred,

We are working to make the AS ABAP developer edition easier to install - e.g. by offering it as a Docker container.

However, we do not have any plans to offer it on MaxDB. Strategically, SAP is moving towards HANA only, since this is optimized for the Restful ABAP Programming Model.

Best wishes,

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Hi Maxim,

Sorry for the massive delay. This is not allowed. However, we are working on a Docker install, which will allow you to spin up several instances with very little effort.

Best wishes,

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Hi Michael, hi Markus,

Update, 23.04.2020: No, it is no longer possible to update the license, for legal and technical reasons.

Best wishes,

0 Kudos
Hi Julie,

in have installed successfully 7.52 SP04,

What will be with the system after the ASE license will expires on 31st March 2021 ?

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hi Yosi,

It is not possible to provide a new license as a separate file, for legal and technical reasons. We hope to offer a new version on a HANA database, to which you can transport your objects.

We also want to make it easier for users to work with any new version of the dev edition, by providing it in a Docker container.

Best wishes


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Hi Julie,


Any idea when we can hope for the ABAP 7.54 trial edition. I'm curently reinstalling my trial and would love to get a HANA DB for it instead.
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hi Jakob, – just sent you a tweet, but since this is the official forum ? , and this info may be helpful to others:

“We are still working on a new version but we have hit a delay, so won’t be ready for some weeks. At present, I cannot offer a date. Sorry for the inconvenience”

Best wishes,


0 Kudos
Reply to Juli at top of page:


"Update, 13th March, 2020:For legal reasons, we can no longer offer the ASE license as a separate downloadable .rar. Therefore, the best option is to upgrade to 7.52 SP04 which is valid until 31st March 2021, . . . . "


I have as abap 7.52 sp04.  I have the database license that expired in 2020.

You state to update to 7.52 xp04 because that license is good until March 2021.

Just where is that rar file with the file name SYBASE_ASE_TestDrive.lic ?


I and others truly appreciate all the hard effort to keep this program rolling, so I get if you can't respond to all queries.


If that file isn't in any downloadable .rar, can another user send me their text file, and I do the update.?

It took me months, to get my environment going, I'm an older abaper, wanting to train before looking for a new job.

Sort of unjust that some have until 2021 and unlucky others have 2020.  Can you help please?


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Hi Beth,

"where is that rar file...?" - I apologize if this was not clear, but this is what I meant: Legally, we can no longer offer the .lic file as a separate file.

"It took me months, to get my environment going, " - I am sorry to hear that. I hope it will be easier the second time. If not, please let me know asap - it should not take more than a morning.

Also, we are trying to make setup easier by offering the whole setup as a Docker container, so perhaps that will be an option for you in the future.

Best wishes,

0 Kudos
Thank you for the kind words.

Interesting how others have a different license.  -Beth
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Hi Beth,

The process for delivering the license has changed.

Personally, I do not see this as a question of different individuals having different licenses.

By now, all licenses issued using the old process have expired. So by now, no-one has a different license.

Thanks for your input, though.

BR Julie.
0 Kudos

Hi Julie,

As we had a working demo environment 7.51 sp 02, now with expired db license, what would be our options to get it working again?

Thanks and regards.


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Hi Andrei,

We have now supplied a new ASE license in SAP Trials and Downloads.

Search for ABAP then scroll to 7.52 SP04.

Thanks for the heads-up, Andrei. I have now added the link to the top of the page.

BR Julie.

I really did not expect this trial license would be updated anymore!

Thanks Julie for your support

Active Contributor
0 Kudos
Don't miss todays Happy Licence Renewal Day! Your Developer Editions ASE will not start if you haven't renewed your license!

Hi Julie,

My license expires on 08.03.2022. Is there a new ASE license renewal file?



Hi Julie,


My license expired 31-03-2022.

How can I get the newest ASE license?



Active Participant
0 Kudos
Hi Julie,


+1 to the license question. Would it be possible to get a new one please ? It would help so much!


Kind regards !
Active Participant

Maybe it is not that bad: the new license posted last year which supposed to be valid till 31-Mar-2022, seems to be valid longer (2023).


Though I didn't try yet

0 Kudos
Hi julie.plummer

I'm trying to install SAP ABAP on OpenSuse but a licence error appears while installing it on terminal.

Abort Excecution because of Step returns modlib.jslib.caughtException

0 Kudos

See the following error during the installation.

a /tmp/sapinst_exe.14620.1668544437/dev_selfex.out
a /tmp/sapinst_instdir/NW73/SBC/STANDARD/cleanipc.1.log
a /tmp/sapinst_instdir/NW73/SBC/STANDARD/cleanipc.log
a /tmp/sapinst_instdir/NW73/SBC/STANDARD/control.xml
a /tmp/sapinst_instdir/NW73/SBC/STANDARD/controllerKdbClient.dmp
a /tmp/sapinst_instdir/NW73/SBC/STANDARD/date.log
a /tmp/sapinst_instdir/NW73/SBC/STANDARD/df.log
a /tmp/sapinst_instdir/NW73/SBC/STANDARD/hostname.log
a /tmp/sapinst_instdir/NW73/SBC/STANDARD/instana.xsl
a /tmp/sapinst_instdir/NW73/SBC/STANDARD/keydb.xml
a /tmp/sapinst_instdir/NW73/SBC/STANDARD/rpm.log
a /tmp/sapinst_instdir/NW73/SBC/STANDARD/rsecssfx.log
a /tmp/sapinst_instdir/NW73/SBC/STANDARD/sapcontrol.1.log
a /tmp/sapinst_instdir/NW73/SBC/STANDARD/sapcontrol.2.log
a /tmp/sapinst_instdir/NW73/SBC/STANDARD/sapcontrol.3.log
a /tmp/sapinst_instdir/NW73/SBC/STANDARD/sapcontrol.log
a /tmp/sapinst_instdir/NW73/SBC/STANDARD/sapinst.log
a /tmp/sapinst_instdir/NW73/SBC/STANDARD/sapinst_dev.log
a /tmp/sapinst_instdir/NW73/SBC/STANDARD/sapinst_loginquirer.log
a /tmp/sapinst_instdir/NW73/SBC/STANDARD/
a /tmp/sapinst_instdir/NW73/SBC/STANDARD/stepKeydbClient.dmp
a /tmp/sapinst_instdir/NW73/SBC/STANDARD/summary.html
a /tmp/sapinst_instdir/NW73/SBC/STANDARD/syslib_priv.log
Abort execution because of
Step returns modlib.jslib.caughtException

INFO 2022-11-15 15:35:53.627 (root/sapinst) (startInstallation) [syuxcdir.cpp:147] id=syslib.filesystem.removedDirectory CSyDirectoryImpl::sap_remove(ISyFSErrorHandler * pErrorHandler)


SAPCAR: 15 file(s) extracted
SAPCAR: rc 0
=>sapparam(1c): No Profile used.
=>sapparam: SAPSYSTEMNAME neither in Profile nor in Commandline
Abort execution because of
Step returns modlib.jslib.caughtException

Error: sapinst has finished with an error code, please find logs in /tmp/sapinst_instdir
Error code: 20

Active Participant

How can I update the license after March 23 - can you kindly let us know

Active Participant
0 Kudos

Hi ! Will there be the license extension after March 23 ? Would be very very very helpful ! Pleeease 🙂



0 Kudos
Hi, I have placed the licenses at the right folder. Still I get error.

Kindly request help pls.


Kind Regards,



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