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Error while creating Single role -BRM - Uncaught Exception CX_FDT_INPUT

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I am trying to create Single role and getting error when i click Save or Save and continue.

Version I am using is:

This is occurring when I go to Owners/Approvers tab and as 'Add' button is disabled, I am clicking 'Save' as shown below.

The error I am getting is:

From the tcode ST22, the info i got is: (error is in line 33, red in color)


Category               ABAP Programming Error

Runtime Errors         UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION

Except.                CX_FDT_INPUT

ABAP Program           CL_GRFN_AC_BRFP===============CP

Application Component  GRC

Short text

     An exception occurred that was not caught.

What happened?

     The exception 'CX_FDT_INPUT' was raised, but it was not caught anywhere along

     the call hierarchy.

     Since exceptions represent error situations and this error was not

     adequately responded to, the running ABAP program

      'CL_FDT_FUNCTION===============CP' has to be    terminated.

Error analysis

     An exception occurred that is explained in detail below.

     The exception, which is assigned to class 'CX_FDT_INPUT', was not caught in

     procedure "EXECUTE_BRF_RULE" "(METHOD)", nor was it propagated by a RAISING


     Since the caller of the procedure could not have anticipated that the

     exception would occur, the current program is terminated.

     The reason for the exception is:

     An exception because of wrong method interface usage occurred

Missing RAISING Clause in Interface

     Program                                 CL_GRFN_AC_BRFP===============CP

     Include                                 CL_GRFN_AC_BRFP===============CM005

     Row                                     1

     Module type                             (METHOD)

     Module Name                             EXECUTE_BRF_RULE

Trigger Location of Exception

     Program                                 CL_FDT_FUNCTION===============CP

     Include                                 CL_FDT_FUNCTION===============CM00D

     Row                                     33

     Module type                             (METHOD)

     Module Name                             LOAD_BUFFER

Source Code Extract

Line  SourceCde

     3   DATA: lts_version TYPE if_fdt_admin_data=>ts_version,

     4         ls_message  TYPE if_fdt_types=>s_message,

     5         lt_message  TYPE if_fdt_types=>t_message,

    6         lv_version    TYPE if_fdt_types=>version,

    7         lv_no_version TYPE abap_bool,

    8         lv_timestamp_string type string,

    9         lv_i type i.


   11   FIELD-SYMBOLS <ls_version> TYPE if_fdt_admin_data=>s_version.


   13   ASSERT NOT ( iv_timestamp IS SUPPLIED AND iv_version IS SUPPLIED ). ">>>


   15   IF iv_timestamp IS NOT SUPPLIED AND iv_version IS NOT SUPPLIED.

   16 *   when we have the last version we can read from the buffer

   17     IF mv_ms_buffer_loaded EQ abap_false.

   18 *     load the buffer with the last version

   19       ms_buffer           = load_buffer_db( ).

   20       mv_ms_buffer_loaded = abap_true.

   21     ENDIF.

   22     rs_buffer = ms_buffer.

   23     RETURN. ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

   24   ELSEIF iv_timestamp IS SUPPLIED. "get the right version for the tmstmp

   25     if_fdt_admin_data~get_active_version(

   26       EXPORTING iv_timestamp  = iv_timestamp

   27       IMPORTING ev_version    = lv_version

   28                 ev_no_version = lv_no_version ).

   29     IF lv_no_version EQ abap_true.

   30       cl_fdt_services_internal=>get_date_and_time_utc( EXPORTING iv_timestamp = iv_timestamp

   31                                                        IMPORTING ev_utc_date_time_string = l

   32       MESSAGE x006(fdt_core) WITH lv_timestamp_string INTO ls_message-text.

>>>>>       message_exception ls_message lt_message cx_fdt_input.

   34     ENDIF.

   35   ELSEIF iv_version IS SUPPLIED. "use this version

   36     lv_version = iv_version.

   37   ENDIF.


   39 * do we have a valid version now?

   40   if_fdt_admin_data~get_versions( IMPORTING ets_version = lts_version ).

   41   READ TABLE lts_version ASSIGNING <ls_version>

   42     WITH TABLE KEY version = lv_version.

   43   IF sy-subrc NE 0.

   44     MESSAGE x002(fdt_core) WITH iv_version INTO ls_message-text.

   45     message_exception ls_message lt_message cx_fdt_input.

   46   ENDIF.


   48    lv_i = lines( lts_version ).

   49   READ TABLE lts_version INDEX lv_i ASSIGNING <ls_version>.

   50   IF <ls_version>-version EQ lv_version.

   51 *   when we have the last version we can read from the buffer

   52     IF mv_ms_buffer_loaded EQ abap_false.


I performed all the configuration steps required.

I cannot proceed further and your help is much required.



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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Hi Ashok

What have you configured for role methodology BRF+ in the IMG? The first time you press save on a new role will trigger execution of the BRF+ rule to determine role methodology. Have you full configured that? After it has been executed, the approver screen should be modifiable.

Please check IMG for BRF+ steps to configure this (bad timing, I'm working a document for methodology configuration but it's not ready yet to share with SCN)



Former Member
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Hi Colleen,

Many thanks for your response.

I followed exactly the steps mentioned in pdf document of AC 10.0 Business Role Management from Customer Solution Adoption July 2011.

Steps I followed regarding to BRF+ in IMG are:

1. Generated BRF+ Applications, Approvers and Methodology functions.

In BRF+ tcode, created the decision table with role type and GRAC_CNDGP,

activated the decision table for Methodology and Associated the decision table

to the function of Role Methodology.

2. Assigned Condition groups to BRF+ functions with condition group for Methodology only. Approver ignored.

3. Defined Methodology process and steps and I can see the same while creating Single role in NWBC.

4. Finally Associated Methodology process to Condition group.



Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Can you please include screen shots for img steps as well as nwbc role definition screen showing what you entered

Former Member
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Hi Colleen,

1 quick observation is, I not created the step of Approval in methodology process step. So this time I am not clicking on Owners/Approvers tab of Role definition stage. But still I am getting error on clicking save in Details tab.

Here are the screenshots:


On Save getting error and screenshot already attached before.

Let me know if you need further details.



Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hi Ashok

I understand you are doing Methodology and Not Approver. However, you did mention in your original post that the approver's tab buttons were disabled. Once the Methodology piece works (i.e. no more short dump) the approver's buttons should become active.

It does look like the BRF+ is in place. I can't tell if you entered the correct function name.

Some things you can check is to activate the BRF+ function and applications again and also run a simulation in BRF+ in there to see if it returns the SINGLE result based on role type SIN.

I noticed you are on SP8, so it might also be worth searching the SAP marketplace to see if any notes were released for this issue.

As an aside, small thing - wondering why you changes the label of Single Role to Single role for MM - what about other single roles?



Former Member
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Hi Colleen,

I am in learning stage and doing this on a sandbox.

Just given the label for Single role to see how it reflects

I can confirm that I entered the correct function name.

Also realized that Workflow for Access Control - Maintain MSMP workflows - Generate Versions

Save is ok but Save/Simulate is giving error as shown below.

But not sure how to fix this?



Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Hi Ashok

I was referring to Simulate within BRF+ whereby you can test the inputs and see the return results. It also validates the BRF+ build

You have sent through MSMP configuration activation which you have not configured yet. This is later on in your configuration when you get to the Approval Step in the Role Methodology and press submit to trigger a workflow

I noticed your are trying to return the default methodology (2) for the SIN. It shouldn't make a difference but could you try to set default methodology in the IMG as 1 (what SAP supplies) so there is a difference when it calculates?



Former Member
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The issue is fixed.

The problem was my system is in the past date and when changed to current date I am able to save and proceed further.

Thanks Colleen for your time.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

mmm strange. Glad to hear it's working though!

0 Kudos

Hey Ashok,

I am having the same issue and it doesn't seem like you elaborated on how you figured out your solution.

Would you please elaborate?



Active Contributor
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Hi Santosh,

Please check your system date. I hope it will be the current date.

By default always the system date will be the current date and if working on client system we even do not have access to change it.

For Ashok, his system date is not same as current date.

