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Personas Buffering

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When I check a project in CJ03 (IE/Firefox/Chrome), I don't get the buffered values that was previously displayed. Is there a way to get the buffer values as we get in SAP or Personas doesn't support this?

Kind Regards,


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Product and Topic Expert
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Buffer values?

Do you mean the previously entered values when you hit the space or backspace button on the field?

If yes, then you can enable it by setting the IsLocalHistoryEnabled property for the input field to True. Then you should use the up/down arrows to scroll the previous values instead of space or backspace.

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Hi Tamas,

This worked!!!

But how do we do it when it comes to tab strip?

Also In SAP we be toggle between fields, we use "TAB" key which will takes us to the next text box in order. But in Personas, i need to click on the fields with cursor. The "TAB" key otherwise toggles to different text box.

Thank you for the information

Kind Regards,


Former Member
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There is also a property called TabIndex - you can set these in order (0, 1, 2, 3, etc.) depending on where you want the cursor to move when you hit tab.

I've noticed that sometimes this behaves oddly when things are grouped together though, so you might have to play around with grouping/ungrouping fields if it's not working as expected.

~ Cheryl

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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The IsLocalHistoryEnabled property is not available for table columns, so the same won't work with table fields.

For tabbing, follow Cheryl's advice.