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SAP Community Downtime Scheduled for This Weekend
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First, a little history... The 'SCNotty' awards were really an off-shoot of Craig Cmehil's challenge to SCNers to make videos of themselves, introducing themselves to the community.  Craig called this You and your 30 seconds!and IMHO was a great idea for socializing on SAP Community Network.  Too often, we are just usernames or handles and it's great to find out what someone likes to do, or what they think is important, or even what they think is funny.

Then, Jim Spath 'awardified' this effort by spearheading a (very) tongue-in-cheek competition, which he talks about here. So way back at the 2009 SAPTechEd, there was a modest award ceremony, in which several community members were honored for their '30 second' videos, and others (yours truly) were gently chided.

Flash forward to today.  You've already read, or seen, or even just ignored the recent buzz about the SCNotty Awards at #SAPTechEDLV.  You may have seen yoga poses, or passionate community members who volunteer, or puppies (which are always a hit).  And still you are thinking, why should I?  I am not a looney like those people!

Well here's why.  It's a great way to have a little fun, introduce yourself to your friends (or friends-to-be) and show off your awesome video editing skills.  Or, give folks at the next TechEd (SAPTechEd Bangalore will be having a SCNotty Awards ceremony) the opportunity to see you, identify with you, and maybe they will see you out.  Or maybe they'll point at you and laugh. Maybe, you and someone else in our vast community will discover a shared passion - be it Elvis, Bollywood, or horseback riding - and that will cement a connection for you!

If I were going to SAPTechEd Bangalore, I would be dusting off my FlipCam.  Entries are due by Sept. 30. You can view more info here. And if I were going to SAPTechEd Madrid, I would be posting my entry here. Alas, I have used my travel budget for the year, but still, maybe I will just submit more entries anyhow.  I don't think you need to be present to win - or even just viewed.  And I don't think you can ever have enough friends.