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Back over a month ago, Craig Cmehil You and your 30 seconds! to contribute "introductory" videos, showing who you are, and what might be important to you.  I was an early participant, because Craig has great ideas, and I always learn from stepping out.  Mine was rather tame, particularly compared to what followed, even described as intimidating I think, as I shot it sitting outside looking into the sun.

A few of us (me, Blag, and Thorsten) kicked around ideas on twitter about how to improve the quality and quantity of the submissions.  We've decided to host an awards show.  Those familiar with the "anti-Oscar" called the "Razzies" will understand why we chose to call our recognition program the "SCNotty" awards. 

Here are a few comments from our dialogue on what categories videos might be judged on:

  • @Blag @jspath55 @thorstenster Crazy ideas....I love it -;) But need more promotion to get more people sending videos...can compete with you guys!
  • @thorstenster @jspath55 @Blag More #scnotties categories: worst character development, most cryptic
  • @thorstenster @jspath55 @Blag Razzies award show for SCN short - great idea. Primary goal should be to get more people to submit an entry. Wacha think?
  • @Blag @jspath55 Razzies award? That would be nice...but I don't really want to win LOL
  • @thorstenster@Blag @jspath55 I also thought the video must be kind of professional when I did mine
  • @Blag @jspath55 I think the same...I thought the video must be kinda professional until I watched the others -:(
  • @nathomson @jspath55 Watching your SCN video. Very subdued :-). http://bit.ly/H0HEZ Are you really retiring soon?


I created a wiki page beneath the main entry page:

30 Seconds of Recognition

We will add the categories and other contest details there.  We plan to do something online before SAP TechEd in October 2009.

By the way, my second 30-second video is below.  I created it on my NetBSD workstation using XPaint and gifsicle, and the Jimbert character Blag and I created for his comic strip, in about 90 minutes of hacking.