I create an SAP analytical list page per CDS view and annotations. It works. Now I want to create an object page. My problem the fields are only displayed at the object page if they are also displayed in the analytical table of the main page.
With method SET_MODE of cl_gui_splitter_container you can toggle the control between design mode and run mode. All you need is another method called SET_ROW_MODE
DATA: o_salv TYPE REF TO cl_salv_table.DATA: outtab TYPE TABLE OF dfies.* Fields for saving dialogueDATA: lv_action TYPE i.DATA: lv_filename TYPE string.DATA: lv_fullpath TYPE string.DATA: lv_path TYPE string.PARAMETERS: p_tname TYPE tname. "name of ...
To add a logo in titelbar, that means "branding". You can choose a branding logo for the titelbar in SAP GUI options, if your system administrator allows that.