Hey DeepakThank you for the Question.I tested this and it seems to be a bug in the FSM Connector on the UI. I opened a bug report in my team. We will try to have a patch out by next week.Sorry for the inconvinient.Best RegardsSven
Hey GuidoTo download the the FSM Windows application you can Navigate directly to the Microsoft Store: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/p/sap-field-service-management/9n03c60h1x4q?activetab=pivot:overviewtabFind help also here in our Help Page: https...
Hello This is not supported by the current Dataloader as an older Person DTO is used on this application. If you would like to have this function added in the future, please add an Influence here: https://influence.sap.com/sap/ino/Best Regards Sven
Hi GuidoI think I found the account to your user and it looks you have not yet created a company in it. In the Admin Portal https://eu.coresystems.net/admin/login/auth you can login with your user or the account and choose Companies on the left side....
Hey GuidoA demo company contains sample master and transactional data to get you started quickly for demos and learning about SAP Field Service.It comes with predefined Business Partners, Users, Equipment and more.See for example here in the help pag...