Passible problem could be that there is no extension with webroot 'commercewebservices'.
In such case platform just return login page.
Default webroot for ycommercewebservices is 'rest'.
And also your url is strange because you didn't put real va...
1) OCC was created to be used by storefront so for customers - in accelerator you also cannot login with employee credentials.
2) getUser method don't use {userId} because it is already handled in filter which set current customer so there is no poin...
I don't think that converting directly from models using Orika would be so easy. It for sure would be much more complicated and allowing consumer influence it directly by fields parameter could be also big security hole. Commerce layer contains also ...
Reasons of introducing WsDTO data layer are described here : https://help.hybris.com/1811/hcd/8c8b49a186691014aface4015d79a338.html
A new WsDTO model has been introduced
in v2 of the REST API. It does not
affect compatibility with v1. It was