Member since ‎2020 Feb 27

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I'm uploading fb60 using posted successfully. but the field PERNR not updated in BSEG ttable.. how to update the data in BSEG table
Im uploading excel file it doc_Date pstng date, baseline date . when I am passing the date format 26.02.2021 in excel. it's shows up error : " enter the data in format. " how to upload the date format here the bapi structre c...
hi, I am uploading the excel file the header contains 4 rows . the data is start from 5 th row. how to read the data from 5th row. while bapi uploading. I'm using text_convert_Excel_to_sap. fm please help me with the code. I tried I'm able read it ...
I'm posting fb60 with bapi_acc_document_post with AP,GL Structures. I'm getting this error in debug mode. "No special G/L acct defined for acct type K sp.G/L ind. U recon.acct 43212". I have passed the sp_gl_indicator in AP structure. still gett...
I'm trying to upload fb60 Bapi_Acc_document_post by filling AP,GL CURRENCY STRUCTURES. Iam getting this error "No item information transferred into Accounting" pls help on this. here is my code. here lt_final type table of ty_final, ls_final ...