The study involved interviews with 100 women from various tech companies about their career paths, and the findings are clear: there is an impressive diversity of educational backgrounds โ not limited to STEM fields โ that women have completed succes...
International Women's Day is celebrated every year on March 8. This day serves to recognize women's social, political, economic, and cultural achievements and draw attention to the persistent inequality and discrimination against women worldwide.Here...
Winter School - Submit your proposal now!The University of Stuttgart looking for female lecturers for courses:AI, industry 4.0, XR, CAD, Python and other programming languages, app development, renewable energy, energy management & energy storage, en...
We are thrilled to announce our first ํฆํํฃ ํชํผํบํฒํป ํถํป ํงํฒํฐํต ํํํฒํปํ at our wonderful ํฆํํฃ ํํฎํํฎ ํฆํฝํฎํฐํฒ. Under the motto ํํปํปํผํํฎํํถํผํป ํํตํฟํผํํดํต ํํ ํฝํฒํฟํํถํํฒ, we have prepared an inspiring program for you!โจ ํํ ํฝํฒํฟํ ํํฎํนํธํ ํฏํ ํผํํฟ ํผํํํํํฎํปํฑํถํปํด ํํฝํฒํฎํธํฒํฟํ:- Iris Seute (Co-MD ...
Dear SAP Women in Tech Community Members,In today's discussion, I want to talk about an important topic - the significance of public speaking in making our own expertise visible. We all possess unique knowledge and experiences in our respective field...
Being part of the organising team of this event was an incredible experience and I am already looking forward to the next SAP Women in Tech and Women@DSAG Innovation Day. Let's continue to work together to empower each other and inspire more women to...