Member since ‎2012 May 07

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I have a MultiCube (Technical Facility Management). Most of the attributes I want to read from InfoObjects 0ASSET, 0ASSET_MAIN, 0ASSET_CLAS, 0ASSET_AFAB and 0COSTCENTER. I added the InfoObjects as sources to the MultiCube and identified the Navigatio...
Okay, here's the problem:I need to fill the append field ZZDMBTR in the extractstructure of 2LIS_06_INV.This is my coding so far.  TYPES: BEGIN OF TY_BSEG_NEU.  TYPES:  EBELN TYPE BSEG-EBELN,  EBELP TYPE BSEG-EBELP,  BELNR TYPE BSEG-BELNR,  BUKRS TYP...
Hello everyone,I'm trying to enrich the extract structure of 2LIS_06_INV with field DMBTR from table BSEG.Key fields to cross reference the two tables ( MC06M_0ITM = extract structure and BSEG) have to be EBELNGJAHRBUKRSBUZEIUnfortunately MC06M_0ITM-...
Case:In a transformation we want to cross-reference and fill some fields from another DSO ZMM_PO60.Code in the start transformation*Global Part...TYPES:   BEGIN OF ls_zmmpo60,               doc_num TYPE /bic/azmm_po6000-doc_num,               doc_ite...
Ok, we're having a query with a 0ACCOUNT hierarchy. Problem is, we don't want it to be displayed as a hierarchy but as a flat structure. As soon as I turn off the hierarchy within the Query (via mouse-click on column --> Properties --> Hierarchies --...
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