Hi,I have to send a file as an attachment through email and attachment should be convert it into ".xlsx" format(in mail attachment file should be .xlsx formate) in Pi 7.31 sp 10 1.In sender side we have .txt file - we are using File FCC 2.In re...
Hi,I have to send a file as an attachment through email and attachment name should be dynamic and which convert it into ".xlsx" format(in mail attachment file should be .xlsx formate) . I am following this bloghttps://wiki.scn.sap.com/wiki/display/XI...
Hi, Can any buddy explain me why we are creating RFC destination,port,partner profile, logical system,Distribution model? and Please explain me IDOC_AAE to IDOC_AAE scenario in single stack pi 7.31.Thanks,Siva
Hi, i am doing a file to file scenario where i used FCC in both sender and receiver side i configured everything i checked in CC Monitoring for sender side it generated Messaged Id also but coming to Receiver CC it is in green color but in processing...
Hi Apu,
Thanks for reply, I tried with splitting,1. First i did File to File Using Format conversion Bean, it creating .xlsx file and i am able to open the file normally, 2.Coming to second File to Mail could you please suggest me how to read the e...
Hi Manoj,
EAR Files are deployed properly but unable to convert the .xlsx file, But when i did File to File using Format conversion bean it able to create .xlsx file and able to open normally.
Hi Manoj,
Sorry for the late reply, i tried with this linkhttps://blogs.sap.com/2014/11/03/exceltransformbean-part-2-convert-simple-xml-to-various-excel-formats-easily/
in out put we are getting xml format as output but we need in .xlsx format.
Hi everyone,Thanks for your reply, by using UDF and few blogs reference we resolved the issue. https://wiki.scn.sap.com/wiki/display/XI/Dynamic+Email+Attachment+name+for+Received+Mailshttps://blogs.sap.com/2015/03/23/read-input-text-content-into-a-fi...