Hello Everyone, this blog explains how to create Dynamic Entity type/Entity Set in SAP Gateway. We can easily create an Static entity type using Gateway service builder (SEGW). But sometimes requirements can be tricky where you need to generate Entit...
when running an odata service in Gateway client, i am facing error "HTTP Receive failed: SSL handshake with PORT:HOST failed: SSSLERR_PEER_CER". gw-client-data.txt
After removing the host & port from the request URI, i get ...
I tried to follow below guide to enable SAPGUI transactions and webdynpro apps (mass config) in fiori launchpad.
Step-by-step guide to enable Transactions in Fiori Launchpad using Application Descriptors in S/4HANA 1610 On-Premise
From the...
Many times, there might be a requirement to add Course name/Course appraisal/Course fees along with standard fields on infotype 0022 screen (education infotype). This can't be achieved only by changing screen control settings (in view V_T588M). Along...
Hi Experts,We have moved to New GL recently and all the configuration for Currency Revaluation and Translation have been completed. Foreign Currency Revaluation using t-code- FAGL_FC_VAL now points to the New Program - FAGL_FCV instead of the older p...
Probable Solution:
Please go through the following steps with the help of IT-Team.
Import the Process Center root SSL certificate into Process Server.
In the Process Server WebSphere Application Server administrative console, click Securi...
Hi Frederik,
/IWBEP/IF_MGW_APPL_SRV_RUNTIME~GET_ENTITYSET method has all the importing paramters which you can find in normal GET method of an entityset. You can handle filter/sort in the same way as you do in normal scenario.
Hi Manuel,
Thanks for your inputs. To handle Metadata cache issue, we can redefine method GET_LAST_MODIFIED. I missed that point in the blog.
However, i don't agree with your statement that you can achieve it using static entity. Since you are neve...
Hello Joseph,
'Define' method is used to generate metadata of the odata service. You can have a look at the code in the method (MPC class) in any Gateway project, you'll get a better understanding.
Pranay Patel
Thanks Jocelyn.
I followed Step-by-step guide to enable Easy Access Menu in S/4HANA 1610 On-Premise and was able to add SAPGUI transactions in fiori launchpad successfully. On launching GUI tcode apps from launchpad, i faced below error: