Member since ‎2013 Aug 07

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This blog post is part of Business Partner blog series. See the previous 2 blogs related to BP-handling topics: 1. How to synchronize KNVK for other relationship types than 'Contact Person' 2. How to create a BP Role with Company and Sales/ Purchas...
Motivation SAP delivers in standard roles the split of Company Code Data and Sales/ Purchasing data roles.   Role Description FLCU00 Customer/Vendor Integration: FI Customer FLCU01 Customer/Vendor Integration: Customer FLVN00 Customer/Vendo...
This post starts my Business Partner blog series. It will include several posts about small and big enhancements that can be made to BP using standard tools. Chapter 1: Custom BP Relationship Category Using BDT Transaction it is possible to create a ...
Custom developments happen. A lot. They can be complex involving multiple parametrization like company-code-specific parameters which you can easily maintain in OBY6 with your own parameters. Sometimes you need to build an output file that must be f...
Many of the customers use OCR solutions like VIM where incoming invoice data is stored including the date of invoice receipt. However hardly anybody knows that the same date can be stored in non-OCR scenario - this is because the field Invoice Receip...