Within an SAP transformation, either a simple transformation or an XSLT transformation, it is possible to call ABAP class methods and use the result in the transformation.For an XSLT transformation it is also possible to call the ABAP class method ba...
Hello, I do use CL_GUI_HTML_VIEWER->SHOW_URL to display a PDF in an SAP gui dynpro. Find the ABAP code part below. The dynpro is showing logistics invoice data where the PDF is part of the screen. This works as expected. However, when the connection ...
In table iteration expression (like the FOR expression) one can decide to either use a work area or field symbol.
... FOR wa|<fs> IN itab [INDEX INTO idx] [cond] [let_exp] ...
The ABAP help does indicate: For each read line, the result is either ass...
* I open a freight order in the UI in edit mode. In SM12 I see an exclusive lock on the freight order. I open the same freight order in another session in the UI. I expect an error message that the freight order is locked.
* I open the same freight...
Using the RTTI (Run-Time Type Identification) API classes I want to retrieve the DDIC description of a type. For a single field that is possible using CL_ABAP_TYPEDESCR->GET_DDIC_FIELD-FIELDTEXT.When using the RTTI classes CL_ABAP_TABLEDESCR,...
For this case the paramater is of type sap:callvariable and name is TRADE. That will result in an XSLT variable $TRADE which can be used in the XSLT transformation: <xsl:when test="$TRADE">
What IDOC are you using? If it is the ORDERS IDOC with process code ORDE then that IDOC is being posted by batch input and transaction VA01 which should be comparable to creating the sales order manually. You can check this by processing the IDOC in ...
A variant on the answer of chaouki.akir:TYPES: tt_country TYPE RANGE OF country.IF country IN VALUE tt_country( sign = 'I' option = 'EQ' ( low = 'FR' ) ( low = 'DE' ) ( low = 'BE' ) ( low = 'IT' ) ).ENDIF.
Hello, there are no general available ODATA services for this operation. As this is configuration data which is to be added by changing the configuration in a configuration client. In general, that is a separate system and / or client where this conf...