Hi All,Recently I have created an Implicit enhancement in standard function module (TRINT_CORR_INSERT) with an IF condition activated only for my user-id(IF sy-uname = '********').In my implicit enhancement I am calling a function module (POPUP_WITH_...
Hello Experts,I want to run the batch file present on the Application server not on the Presentation server.I know if it is in presentation server we can use the below methods: 'GUI_EXEC or WS_EXECUTE or by using method CL_GUI_FRONTEND_SERVICES=>EXE...
Hi Experts, Could you please share your thoughts about fetching emails from the external mail server(say gmail not SAP mailbox) using abap program. Thanks in advance,Venkat
Hi Experts,I want to add multiple documents to a transaction say (PO).I know by using GOS Customization we can add multiple documents one after the other but i want to add Multiple documents at a single shot.My logic is i have created a class(ZCL_MUL...
Hi-1. You are not able to find Created Invoice in DB because you need to call BAPI 'BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT' explicitly.2. PO does not exist: Have you checked your PO via ME22N/ME23N? If it's not available provide a valid PO. Else in your code use Co...
Hi-To achieve this you have create a new internal table with only one field i.e. Company Code name, fill this internal table Company Code name values and pass this Internal table the FM (F4IF_FIELD_VALUE_REQUEST) which you are already using. -Venkat
Hi-Can you place a screen shot expanding till your text object in Smart Form? Not the debugging screen/Output. I just want to see the steps before code gets triggered. Have you used any Program Lines?-Venkat
Can you place some screen shots expanding till your text object where you are displaying your field? Also check for Program Lines in your Main Window where you might be calculating something. -Venkat