Member since ‎2005 Oct 17

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先后荣幸的被两位好友点名,接力一下吧。曾经SAP新加坡的老板莫名其妙但十分勇敢的从众多出色的候选人中选择了刚毕业的呆萌的我。我进来第一句话问师傅,"什么是SAP啊?" 师傅擦擦汗说“果然是化工女!非但不懂技术还不会寒暄!” 但是随后她和我所在的团队给与了我最精心最完美的塑造。10年的学习生活如同白纸上画圈,学的越多,圈画越大,接触的空白也越大,发现自己做白痴的空间更是无限大。于是渐渐淡定的将此博大精深的事业当成了“信仰”。在SAP的羽翼下几乎没有接触过外界,站在他的肩膀上却看到了世界。如果你穿越...
What is the problem ?There is a backend error when process SRM PO. In BBP_PD there is status I1132 "Transfer failed". In the transaction RZ20, there is an error log.  Trouble shooting steps:1, How to get the backend error message number for SAP Note ...
Hello Expert When we create a PR for example qty =1and refer to it created normal Qty =1 , then create a return PO refer to the PR , then the ordered qty =2 . It is quite confusing . Would you please suggest it there is any workaround to deal with ...
Hello experts Would you please help me with how to configure the live auction (LAC) access by several clients?
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