Member since ‎2011 Nov 27

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So, how did we go about creating the type of functionality that you see here on SDN for the forums, weblogs and even the wiki or any other external web application. (although there are things we are still working on). First things first Before readin...
HiI am trying to access the PCD via JNDI. I basically need to search the PCD for any iViews that contain a certain property. This bit is working fine. However, I now need to be able to retrieve the parent context (i.e. a Page) so that I can then retr...
Has anyone been able to extend the portal themes to include your own CSS styles. I have tried to simply add a folder under the relevant portal theme, however, when using the standard ILAFService.includeThemePartInResponse method it doesn't recognise ...
HiI need to be able to reference a portal component api library from a J2EE application outside of the IRJ application. This is normally done through the above files, however, the syntax in the files looks like the libraries have to be in the additio...
When using EP6 SP2 Patch27 you can see two properties on a folder. 'Can be launched' and 'Launch URL'. The launch url cannot be edited by default, which seems to suggest that by changing the 'can be launched' to yes should free up this field to enter...