Member since ‎2017 Jan 24

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Hi Unable to found download files or links for Sap B1TE and Sap B1HTE, Can anyone please help me asap. Thanks, Chandra
Hello, My project has included below destination and i need to work on it but the internal metadata parser class fails to convert the xml to csdl document. static func parse() -> CSDLDocument { let parser = CSDLParser() parser.logWarnings =...
From the below code,am able to get the required entity results but not the response headers.could you please provide some piece of IOS code how to get Etag value to store locally and then to pass in post method header values guard let odataControll...
Hi guys, I have created and developed sap project by using Android studio v3.2. But,when I tried to create SAP project in Android studio V3.6.1 project was not creating. I am using SAP cloud platform sdk v3.0.5. Can anyone guide me in these. Than...
Hi Team, Am newbie to this SDK and primarily to sap architecture, and basically am an native iOS developer. Being from a product based company and having clear requirement of developing IOS app for both Cloud and On-Premise servers, i just want to ...
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