Member since ‎2007 May 09

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Dear SDNers, As per requirement, I would like to display my workflow work item content in html table format. I coded with proper tags and populating output. But while displaying output, I used condense statements as well to avoid spaces between t...
Dear SDNers, I am having small doubt. Certification questions prepares based on the region? If Singapore/Malasia, one type of questions, if the region is india bit tough questions like that SAP follows any pattern. Kindly clarify if my assumption i...
Dear SDNers,I would like to integrate MS Active Directory with my EP7.3. So that when users logged into the system, automatically Portal also supposed to logged in with SSO. We are having SAP Server on Windows 12 Server. Please let us know how to do ...
Dear SDNers,SAP transaction F-48 (vendor down payment) can post a payment document without even any Down Payment Request.Is there some configuration SAP system to stop system to proceed without selecting DP Request.Please let me know. Regards,Venkat
Dear SDNers,I implemented F4 in ALV. After selecting value from F4, user will go to next screen. Again if user went back to the initial screen and trying to select value from F4, double click going to dump.Here is the code. Please help meTYPES: BEGIN...