Hi,i am testing the SAP-Business-One Web-Client. My SBO-Version is: SBO-Version SAP-Business One 10.0 SP 2411I have reproduced the Example Adding a Click-Button...But here i am running into little trouble.E.g. the Context-Function Preview (Web Client...
Hello,I have prepared a Function in SAP-Business-One in order to get a Joined Sql-Result.This function is callable via the Servicelayer.The Idea is, to call this function via CAP, but this doesnt work in the moment.I would appreciate to get any help....
i am working with the newest Version of SAP-Business-One (FP_2305).
I want to Access the Item-Pricess with Fiori-Guided-Development. For this i have prepared a Cap-Project with external access.
For this i have generated a fiori-Application ...
i try to get Detail-Informations on B1-Invoices.
I have defined annotations for it
when i call the detail-Information, i run into an error...
in Stackoverflow i found a hint:sapui5 - How to disable V2 OData $batch request by default in U...
i am building a cap-Solution with a B1-service-layer-Connection as a remote service.
When is use ssl the system runs in an error, with http it works fine.
The Paramters:
- strictSSL: false,
- rejectUnauthorized: false,
- TrustAll : ...
Hi Nofar,it works now,The reason was, i hat installed an older Version of the wizard.And this Version was not replaced.I have deinstalled VS-Code, and deleted all Files in users\xxx\.vscodeAfter reinstalling everything it works...Kind Regards,Matthia...
Hi Nofar,i have ensured, that Chrome is the Default browser and added a new Project on this way.But it still doesn't work. When i click the preview-Contex-Menu nothing happens.I also see that there is a difference between my wizard, Installed from SB...