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session.findById("wnd[0]/usr/subSUB0:SAPLMEGUI:0017/subSUB2:SAPLMEVIEWS:1100/subSUB2:SAPLMEVIEWS:1200/subSUB1:SAPLMEGUI:1211/tblSAPLMEGUITC_1211").getAbsoluteRow(0).Selected = True

I am encountering an issue with the SAPLMEGUI:**** code, as" **** " is changing itself and causing my script not to run correctly with different SAP login users. Can anyone help me? This would be life-saving for me.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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There are applications which generate subscreens automatically. ME23N is such a case.

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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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There are applications which generate subscreens automatically. ME23N is such a case. If the screens are generated, they will receive some number that SAP GUI cannot anticipate.
See also SAP Note 587202 - "Restrictions when using SAP GUI Scripting".
Quote from the note:
"Missing support in individual transactions due to use of dynamic IDs: Certain transactions use dynamic keywords when communicating with the SAP system; these dynamic keywords change each time the transaction is called. This problem may occur when you select entries from the menu of the toolbar control in particular. If the script that is recorded in this transaction is run again, errors occur due to invalid parameters (for example, in the method SelectMenuItem). SAP Note 217437 contains a list of affected transactions from the MM area."

What you could try is to:
- Observe which IDs may come
- Run a check for existence in your script for all the IDs you observed (catch the errors and continue)
- If a subscreen with the given ID exists, use the ID

Best regards,