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R3trans error

Former Member
0 Kudos


I'm unable to connect through R3trans -d to my database and please find below is the logs:

4 ETW000 173 0.003173

4 ETW000 [ dev trc,00000] function dsql_db_init loaded from library /usr/sap/ZS3/SYS/exe/run/dboraslib.o

4 ETW000 10 0.003183

4 ETW000 [ dev trc,00000] function dbdd_exp_funs loaded from library /usr/sap/ZS3/SYS/exe/run/dboraslib.o

4 ETW000 33 0.003216

4 ETW000 [ dev trc,00000] New connection 0 created 12 0.003228

4 ETW000 [ dev trc,00000] 000: name = R/3, con_id = -000000001, state = DISCONNECTED, tx = NO , hc = NO , perm = YES,

4 ETW000 reco = NO , frco = NO , timeout = 000, con_max = 255, con_opt = 255, occ = NO

4 ETW000 18 0.003246

4 ETW000 [ dev trc,00000] db_con_connect (con_name=R/3) 27 0.003273

4 ETW000 [ dev trc,00000] find_con_by_name found the following connection for reuse: 7 0.003280

4 ETW000 [ dev trc,00000] 000: name = R/3, con_id = 000000000, state = DISCONNECTED, tx = NO , hc = NO , perm = YES,

4 ETW000 reco = NO , frco = NO , timeout = 000, con_max = 255, con_opt = 255, occ = NO

4 ETW000 16 0.003296

4 ETW000 [ dev trc,00000] Got LIBPATH=/usr/lib:/lib:/usr/sap/ZS3/SYS/exe/run:/usr/sap/ZS3/SYS/exe/runU:/oracle/client/10x_64/instantclient:/oracle/ZS3/112_64/lib from environment

4 ETW000 230 0.003526

4 ETW000 [ dev trc,00000] -->oci_init1 13 0.003539

4 ETW000 [ dev trc,00000] Oracle Client Version: '', (dbsl 701 131011, non-unicode) 50 0.003589

4 ETW000 [ dev trc,00000] Default connection: tnsname ='ZS3' 7 0.003596

4 ETW000 [ dev trc,00000] -->oci_initialize(con=0, char='WE8DEC', nchar='AL16UTF16', uc_ln=1) 7 0.003603

4 ETW000 [ dev trc,00000] Application info callback registered. 6 0.003609

4 ETW000 [ dev trc,00000] OCIEnvCreate(mode=0=OCI_DEFAULT) returned 0 (for default NLS handle)

4 ETW000 1425 0.005034

4 ETW000 [ dev trc,00000] OCIHandleAlloc(OCI_HTYPE_ERROR, con=0, ErrHp=110a17ff8) 19 0.005053

4 ETW000 [ dev trc,00000] OCIHandleAlloc(OCI_HTYPE_ERROR, con=0, ErrBt=110a178a8) 8 0.005061

4 ETW000 [ dev trc,00000] NLS env.: lang=414D45524943414E 44 0.005105

4 ETW000 [ dev trc,00000] terr=414D4552494341 8 0.005113

4 ETW000 [ dev trc,00000] char=574538444543 6 0.005119

4 ETW000 [ dev trc,00000] Client NLS setting (by OCINlsGetInfo): con=0, 'AMERICAN_AMERICA.WE8DEC'

4 ETW000 11 0.005130

4 ETW000 [ dev trc,00000] charset='WE8DEC', ncharset='AL16UTF16', UNI_ASC=FALSE 6 0.005136

4 ETW000 [ dev trc,00000] Logon as OPS$-user to get SAPHP1's password 8 0.005144

4 ETW000 [ dev trc,00000] Connecting as /@ZS3 on connection 0 (nls 0) ... (dbsl 701 131011, non-unicode)

4 ETW000 10 0.005154

4 ETW000 [ dev trc,00000] Allocating service context handle for con=0 7 0.005161

4 ETW000 [ dev trc,00000] Allocating server context handle 7 0.005168

4 ETW000 [ dev trc,00000] Attaching to DB Server ZS3 (con=0,svchp=110a15218,srvhp=110a1af78) 39 0.005207

4 ETW000 [ dev trc,00000] OCIServerAttach(OCI_DEFAULT) failed with -1=OCI_ERROR 3343 0.008550

4 ETW000 [ dev trc,00000] OCIServerAttach(OCI_DEFAULT) failed with SQL error 12537: 23 0.008573

4 ETW000 [ dev trc,00000] ORA-12537: TNS:connection closed

4 ETW000 12 0.008585

4 ETW000 [ dbsloci.,00000] *** ERROR => CONNECT failed with sql error '12537' 9 0.008594

4 ETW000 [ dev trc,00000] set_ocica() -> SQL error code 12537 7 0.008601

4 ETW000 [ dev trc,00000] -->oci_get_errmsg (con=0, rc=12537) 7 0.008608

4 ETW000 [ dev trc,00000] OCIErrorGet -> SQL error code: 12537 6 0.008614

4 ETW000 [ dev trc,00000] ORA-12537: TNS:connection closed

4 ETW000 11 0.008625

4 ETW000 [ dev trc,00000] SAPUSER or connect error 99=DBSL_ERR_DB, oerr=12537. 7 0.008632

4 ETW000 [ dblink ,00433] ***LOG BY2=>sql error 12537 performing CON [dblink#4 @ 433] 314 0.008946

4 ETW000 [ dblink ,00433] ***LOG BY0=>ORA-12537: TNS:connection closed [dblink#4 @ 433] 9 0.008955

2EETW169 no connect possible: "DBMS = ORACLE



Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Former Member
0 Kudos


Please ensure that the listener is running.

The below link might help you resolve the issue.!reply.jspa?messageID=11127456



Answers (2)

Answers (2)

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

ORA-12537 basically means that your listener config files are not correct.

Check your listener.ora, sqlnet.ora, something is not right...

Was this system running before?... what was done before it stopped runnning?



Former Member
0 Kudos

LISTENER has already been started..

Former Member
0 Kudos


Check if your database and listener is running. (tnsping)

Also check if tnsnames.ora, sqlnet.ora and listener.ora are in sync between "$ORACLE_HOME/network/admin" and "/sapmnt/<SID>/oracle/profile"


Rajesh Narkhede