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Hello Experts

We are loading the data into inventory mgmt cube 0IC_C03.

I have the PDF file and went thru it. As i am not functional guy, i am a bit confused. My doubt is what will happen if i load 2lis_03_bf without loading 2lis_03_bx. Will i get the correct results in query without loading BX. Can anyone just let me know in simple words the functionalities of this infosources.

Thanks in advance



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By loading 2lis_03_bx we will load opening stock balance.

If you do not initialize,

the system assumes a zero opening stock balance. You do not need to carry

out a stock initialization if e.g. the following applies: The productive start of the

R/3 system occurs at the same time as that of the BW system, and the

existing stock (residing in other systems up until now) is imported in material

document form into the R/3 system at the time of going live. This is because

the stock is received as material documents. In this case, the stock is

modeled at the going-live date in the form of a material inflow to precisely this


hope its clear..

reward helpful answers..


Answers (7)

Answers (7)

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Hi Annie,

If You don't run stock initalization you will not be able to get the opening balance.

Which will effect the report when you want to consolidate data for valuation during the month end.

Hope it helps


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You can do after 8 pm.

No material postings must

be carried out during this process, since material movements influence the current


This run is not very time-intensive because the system does not read the

individual documents from the very large MSEG table. Instead, it accesses the

substantially smaller tables MARC, MARD and so on. Only if you use the option

"Zero stock to be transferred" runtime increases rapidly. So use this option only if

really necessary (see OSS notes 655798 and 728360 for this).

hope this helps..


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as far as my understanding of the Inventory Document. BX load will get Open Inventory Values. BF will take get Historical Inventory Values.

That's the reason in the document you could find Marker Update. try to spend time on the <b>Marker Update</b> you will get information.

you could find the Details about Marker Update in document at "3.2.3 Marker update when uploading/compressing, executing a query page no:17". Still you didn't understand that please let me know we will try.

Even though Open balance shows or Stock Initialization shows 0. we need to do that. otherwise we will get faulty results.

all the best.



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dear Annie,

i think you won't get the correct result without using 2lis_02_bx since it's used to extract the opening stock balance.

hope this helps.

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2LIS_03_BX replaces the function of datasource 2LIS_40_S278 and is used to extract the stock data from MM (and not from the tables MSEG or BSEG) for initialization to a BW system.

Instead, 2LIS_03_BF is used to extract the material movement data.

When you want to use both extractors (inventory management with non-cumulative KF), you have to start with the opening balance, that is with 2LIS_03_BX !

Take a look to the doc in -> SAP BW InfoIndex -> How to... Handle inventory management scenarios in SAP BW 3.x (pdf) in which all stock init procedure(s) and scenarios are explained in detail.

check these links also

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Hi annie

Go through these previous threads

gives u clear idea



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Thanks for your replies. We are on production. Initially after go live this was carried out in BW but due to some problems in development process, the data has to deleted.

Q1. Now if i run BX in R/3..will it be fine?

Q2. As mentioned in file that there should be no transactions in R/3 during the run. But our client says that after 8.00pm there wont be any transaction done in R/3 and he is not ready for downtime. For instance during the BX run if any posting is done in R/3, will the process terminate or we miss that record.

Thanks and Regards


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I think you will miss the data. i don't think it will terminate.

I think you need to doom scrach. it will give faulty results.



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hi annie,

If cube is empty then one has to load the stock intiailisation before loading from BF source.

Bx source contains only opening balances record of all materials. not all the transaction records.

in my earlier reply u can see the example, there bx source will load only the value of 100 and the marker is updated.

For loading the historical data we should set no marker update.

for loading the data records we will make the marker to update.

for u second question, we will miss that record while loading ..



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Message was edited by: Ravi Kiran R

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hi Annie,

Loading the data to 0ic_c03 involves in two steps

1. first u load the data from the data sourc slis_03_bx. This data source contains the details of stock intiatilision. That is when u r first implementing the cube for the first time, we should load the present stock in the inventory. This data soruce is resposibile for loading the initialisation of stock and updating the marker.

2. all the other transactions data is loaded from 2lis_03_bf.

let take a simple senario

Current date 31.03.2005

Opening Balance: 100 units on 01.01.2005

Historical material movements

October 2004 : 10 units

November’04 : 20 units

December’04 : 10 units

if u r implenting the cube on current data, and the balance is 100 units. we will load these opening stock balance through 2lis_03_bx. this will update the marker.

then u can load the details (historical ) as well as other transaction data through 2lis_03_bf source.

if u have still not clear post the questions.

dont forget to reward as that is the way of saying thanks in sdn



Message was edited by: Ravi Kiran R