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recently i figured, SAP CPI very conviently omitted headers to its wish & created a feud between me and 3rd Party API server team(on a lighter note).

API Token was sent via HTTP connection but to my misfortune API server never validated/authenticated the request from SAP CPI. The bigger issue was when API server was stingy with logging process and never reflected the headers that should or could be captured. This left us in a limbo until we ventured to trigger HTTP request on to a public web service( to read the "headers".

To my surprise, SAP CPI had decided to omit sending the header to requestbin.

In order to fix this issue, One must explictily mention the headers that needs to be sent to the HTTP servers. This can be acheived under HTTP receiver > Connection Details > Request Headers. If in case there are multiple headers then it must be differentiated by a pipeline ("|")


1 Comment

Hello akash_1110

This is not new and a known thing with Cloud Integration. Please refer to the "Header Details" table in the official documentation for HTTP Receiver Adapter.

This is done to provide the control in the integration flow which all headers need to sent to the receiver, without this control there are chances that integration flow send headers which may be big in size or not accpetable by the receiver application.

So CPI is not trying to create a feud between you and 3rd Party API server team but instead it's trying to provide a platform where both respect each other and lives in harmony (on a lighter note)





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