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File upload - issue with European .csv file format

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when uploading the .csv file for "Due List for Planned Receipts" in the File Transfer Upload center I receive an error. It appears that it is due to the european .csv file format that is delimited by semicolon rather than comma. The only way I could solve this issue is to change Regional and Language options to English. However, I don't think this is a great solution as I can't ask all our suppliers to change their settings. Has anyone come across this issue and another way of solving it?

Thank you!

Have a good day,


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Hi Johanna,

changing that setting will not help anyway and you can't ask that from suppliers...

I have done custom development to use tab delimited files and .XLS extension instead of comma delimited and .CSV extension.

MS Excel seems to handle such files properly.



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Igor thank you for your suggestion.

I found this SAP note:

+If you download a file, and the formatting of the CSV file is faulty, it is possible that your column separator does not match the standard settings of the SAP system. In the standard SAP system, the separator is ,.

To ensure that the formatting is correct, set your global default for column separation in your system, so that it matches that of the SAP system you are using.+

To do that Microsoft suggests to change the "List separator" in the Regional and Language Options Customize view. Though like you suggest that does not seem to do the trick. Am I missing something?

However, if I change the whole setting from say German to English (UK) the .csv files are comma delimited and can be easily uploaded. Was hoping there would be another way of solving this without need for custom development.

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As I have not found an easier way to attack this yet, could you please elaborate a bit more on your custom development? How complex was it?

Thank you very much for your help.

