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Community Advocate
Community Advocate

On April 25, 2024 I was again part of the initiative girl's day at SAP in St. Leon-Rot. It was organized by SAP's software development, especially @MattthiasWild and @katja_geiselhart (and many volunteers) and there were presentations from different SAP colleagues with different roles: a manager, a computer scientist, a financial expert and an SAP Community specialist. Furthermore there was a workshop around programming and how to use writing a software program for fun activities, a common lunch, and a student presented about his own experience how one can study or do an apprenticeship at SAP. Target group are girls out of 8th class of secondary school.


all attendees @girls' day (picture taken by @MattthiasWild )

It's not only that SAP is a great place to work for, if you are interested in computer science, but there are also so many other possibilities within SAP, not only technical ones. However, you would still be part of a technical company. Obviously my part was about SAP Community, as I am an SAP Community Advocate since 2018. 

I am so grateful having been part of the girls' day again. Actually, it was already my fourth time. 😊 I enjoy talking about SAP Community so much, because it's an easy understandable subject as of recent Social Media increase especially in the age after 12. The girls do easily understand and it inspires them to work with an online platform beside their Social Media activities, which they do anyway. I also point to my journey at SAP, which was not alway linear (if you want to get to know more about me, watch this video by SAP Women in Tech). Hopefully, my journey inspires the girls that they do not need to not go the established way of studying after their final examinations (Abitur), but to find an alternative. A basis where they can build on.


me presenting about SAP Community (picture taken by @MattthiasWild )

I am also trying to encourage them to find something, what they really want, because it's a long time they spend in their working environment. And it doesn't need to be the same with what you started once. Be open and curious to change your mind if something is not comfortable or not working properly for you anymore. I don't mean to throw everything away immediately, but have the courage to rethink the situation. Also here, a company like SAP is great, because there are many opportunities within the company for a reorientation.


I would love to share the last slide of my presentation here, because you may have children and it may give you a different view on the education of your children. I apologize if you have read this already somewhere here, but I think it's worth sharing again.



You see, initiative like girls' day are a great way of sharing your experience and giving guidance to younger people. If you would love to be part of girls' day in 2025, let me know. Please also share, if you were already part of it, or if you have experience from any other similar initiative. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts and comments.