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Developer Advocate
Developer Advocate


SAP's TechEd conferences showcases some of the latest and awesomest technology. SAP packs each event’s agenda with sessions and networking opportunities, so attendees can gain knowledge and make connections.

You want to go? Well, we want you to go too! We want to meet as many people as possible at these events — and we want SAP community members to reap the benefits of SAP TechEd participation. That’s why the SAP Developer Relations team is again planning to award prizes that can help more people attend SAP TechEd.

Yes, you heard it­ – this year, we are once again holding a contest to give away hundreds of show-floor passes (which include access to lectures, but NOT Hands-on sessions). Specifically, the contest will grant passes to 300 individual winners, who can choose which one of the three SAP TechEd 2019 events they want to attend (subject to availability).

We have 100 passes for SAP TechEd 2019 Las Vegas, 100 for SAP TechEd 2019 Barcelona, and 100 for SAP TechEd 2019 Bangalore.

As you might expect, there are official rules with the typical legal language, but the gist is this: To be eligible for one of the passes, you must complete a mission. Don’t worry, it’s hardly a mission impossible!


Your mission

The mission consists of a series of tutorials focused on SAP Cloud Platform workflows. Complete the tutorials, close off the mission, and you’ll have the option of entering the official SAP TechEd 2019 lottery (one entry per person).

That’s all there is to it.

The contest will end on August 30, and anyone who completed the mission (and chose to participate in the contest) will be entered for the ticket lottery. A week or so later, winners will be chosen at random, then contacted.

NOTE: The lucky winners will still need to cover travel, lodging, etc., - a show-floor pass is worth approximately $1,500 -not bad for taking tutorials that teach valuable information anyway.

Get started on the tutorials now and who knows, we may get the chance to congratulate you in person on the showfloor at an SAP TechEd event!


Active Contributor
ian.thain - just checking if the missions are the existing ones for SAP Cloud Platform Workflow. If so I have already completed them so does that make me eligible or ineligible? Just thought I would check as a number of other Community members would possibly be in the same situation.

Thanks & Kind Regards

Phil Cooley
Active Contributor
Italy not eligible this year!

Curse you, SAP!

I won last year contest and the Barcelona TechEd has been one of the most interesting experience!

Good luck to everyone!
Active Contributor
Wow! Thanks for this program!

After completing the mission, how does one opt in for the contest?


Gaurav K
Same here ??‍♀️
Active Contributor
0 Kudos
Same also for me
Active Contributor

After complet last part of tutorials appears an option to register.


Thanks ian.thain for this great new! And of course, I already registered!

Active Contributor
Developer Advocate
Developer Advocate

For those of you who have finished the mission but are not registered, here’s my recommendation:

  1. Make sure you have completed the mission (no really, double-check).
    1. Go to
    2. Log in.
    3. Go to History, and type in “Level Up” to make sure that the mission appears in your history.You can also go to the mission ( and make sure the circle is checked.
  2. Register to the contest by choosing one of the following links.


    • You must register with the same email address as that associated with the account used to complete the mission. Use the login button in the upper right of the registration page to automatically fill out the form.
    • Only register for one location.

Registration form for Las Vegas

Registration form for Barcelona

Registration form for Bangalore

The instructions for registering are also at the end of the mission’s last mission, Extend a Workflow Definition with an Exclusive Gateway.

Best of luck to everyone. For those who haven’t done the mission yet, it’s pretty fun and interesting.




0 Kudos
Hi all

Can Anyone Please Tell me Which Missions to Be Completed. ! I Want to gain Pass For the event Happening in Bangalore This Year !.
Developer Advocate
Developer Advocate
0 Kudos

Hi Sai


Check out the rules page at and you can see a link titled “Get started now


Good Luck



Active Contributor
Thanks daniel.wroblewski , this worked successfully. Now just have to nominate which SAP Teched now....
0 Kudos
Hi Ian Thain


Thanks for the Share !!
I have completed the mission and already registered myself for SAP TechEd at Banglore.
Developer Advocate
Developer Advocate
0 Kudos
I wish you luck in the prize draw
Wow, great opportunity to try those tutorials and have a chance to win. Good luck to everyone.
Active Contributor
Completed and best of luck to everyone


I have completed the mission and I have registered for the Bangalore session.

Do we get any confirmation email after successful registration?



Active Contributor
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
Great tutorials and awesome contest. Wanna know more about SAP Cloud Platform Workflow? Then join our webinar with Christian Loos, Chief Product Owner, talking about „What’s new in SAP Cloud Platform Workflow?“. See you 😉
Active Participant
Completed with the tutorial mission contest and submitted the form for Bangalore Teched 2019,waiting for the announcements.


Thank You.


Best Regards,

0 Kudos
Is it only for Developers ?




Developer Advocate
Developer Advocate
It is open to anyone that completes the tutorial mission.


Check out the official rules at
0 Kudos

I have completed the "Level Up with SAP Cloud Platform Workflows" contest but unable to register for TechEd Bangalore. The office location dropdown is not working.

Attaching the error here. Can anyone please help?


0 Kudos
I finished the mission too and joined for Barcelona...But, same as last year, the e-mail address in my SAP account is wrong :)) Would really love for SAP to work some magic so I could change that e-mail address 😞 Seems like nobody at my office has the password for the Admin account....
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
For all folks interested to get more information on SAP Cloud Platform Workflow and the broader story with Intelligent Business Process Management with SAP Cloud Platform, please check out this ASUG PreCon seminar in Las Vegas:

Also make sure you have the Learning Journey "CAA10 - Build and run business processes" on your agenda:
Developer Advocate
Developer Advocate
0 Kudos
You can register with any email address, so when you register, register with the email address used in the account under which you completed the mission. Otherwise, the emails will not match and you will not be entered into the contest. Does that make sense?
Developer Advocate
Developer Advocate
0 Kudos
I get the errors if I select "Office Location" from the drop down, but otherwise I can register -- just select a country and continue to fill out (if you log in it will fill out for you).

If it continues, tell me exactly what happens (from the time you click on the link to the registration page), and what browser and such you are using.


Developer Advocate
Developer Advocate
0 Kudos
Did you register?
Developer Advocate
Developer Advocate
Did everyone who previously did the mission register? You should be able to -- go to the last step in all the tutorials for the links to the registration page.
Active Contributor
0 Kudos
Yes. Done. Thanks.
0 Kudos

Why is this not available for Brazil?


0 Kudos
Yes, it does make sense and this is what I did 🙂 Only that the e-mail address we have in the account under which I completed the mission is wrong. Our company changed all e-mails, the ones in the accounts are not used anymore... I only hope that, if I win, It will also show here or in some other place so I could see 🙂
0 Kudos
Completed the mission successfully.

Double checked as mentioned above 😉

Registered for Banglore 2019 Teched.



S. Natarajan
Developer Advocate
Developer Advocate
What’s important is that you register (again if need be) with the email address in your account at the time you completed the mission.

they will announce the winners in the community — I’m sure Ian will link to it. I will write a blog also the first week of September.
0 Kudos
Perfect :D! That is awesome, thank you 🙂
Active Participant
0 Kudos
What's the deadline for Barcelona?

Best Regards,

0 Kudos
Hi Daniel,


I am in the same situation, so can I understand that even if the old email is not correct I can still check the list on the community and contact via my S account to claim the prize?


Developer Advocate
Developer Advocate
0 Kudos
Not sure I understood the question.

To be eligible, you must first complete the mission while logged in. The logged in account has an email associated with it.

When you complete the tutorial -- by clicking DONE and answering all the questions in all the tutorials -- you must then register for the contest. There are 3 registration forms, and you select the one for the SAP TechEd you want to go to (Las Vegas, Barcelona, Bangalore).

To determine who is eligible, we match the accounts that completed the contest and match them with the registrations (by email). Any one who completed the mission and has registered (with same email) is entered. If you register more than once in the same venue we ignore it; if you register in more than

If you did all that but your email has since changed (and you have no access to the old email), then you may have a problem since we may contact you via email (not 100% sure how the winners are announced). I think you have to do the mission again with your current email.

0 Kudos


Thank you for your reply and sorry if I wasn't clear on the issue.

I have an S-user with an email like but for some time ago my company changed it to and it wasn't updated in our s-user accounts.

For a long time email address was working, but I just noticed that it stopped and I registered with it for a competition.

Now I got the email address updated, but what I understand from what you are writing is that I can't register again for the competition with a new address and my only chance is to create a new account with a correct address and prepare the mission again.


Best regards

Developer Advocate
Developer Advocate
0 Kudos
Are you saying the same SAP account you had now has a new email address? If that is true, then it is conceivable that the completion is now listed under the new address, and if you registered with that email address, than there would be a match. Even so, the way we manage the registrations we only take the delta of new people each day, so we might still miss that the completion was done under a new email.

Message me offline with your old and new email.

In any event, the safest bet is to complete the mission and register with the new account.
0 Kudos
May I, please, do the same? Send a message with the old and new e-mail?

Thank you!
Developer Advocate
Developer Advocate
0 Kudos
No problem
Developer Advocate
Developer Advocate
0 Kudos
The deadline is the same for all locations, Friday August 30th




Active Participant
Thanks, Ian.

Meanwhile, I got busy with other things. I'll hope for a similar opportunity maybe next year.


Registered for Barcelona 😄 Fingers crossed!
Developer Advocate
Developer Advocate

Hi everyone… today, August 29 is the last full day of the competition, it will close TOMORROW, Friday August 30 2019.

So make sure you’re guaranteed to be entered into the draw for the tickets, by completing the mission today and registering your preference for a TechEd draw.

The missions will still be available after Aug 30, but you will not be entered into the draw.

Good Luck to all that have entered!

0 Kudos
I have completed the missions...Registered also for the Bangalore Teched... 🙂  Hope to see you all at Teched.. I am soOoo Excited to be there
Developer Advocate
Developer Advocate
0 Kudos
The Tutorial Competition closes today!

Good luck to all those that completed the missions & registered for the prize draw.

The Prize Drawing will be conducted randomly from amongst all eligible entrants in accordance with the Official Rules on or about September 5th, 2019.

Developer Advocate
Developer Advocate
0 Kudos
I wish you luck in the Prize Draw