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SAP FICO Fresher JOB.....Myth or Reality?

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How to get a job as SAP FICO Fresher having Domain Experience. Everyone wants SAP Experienced so if not one gives a chance to Fresher then how can we get experience in this....we would remain where we are......

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SAP has opportunites all over the place.

You just need to keep your eyes open.

Three big mistakes that freshers make are -

1. Taking the interviews lightly like any other job interview - Do remember that if you fare badly in your interview there are other 1000 takers for that job unlike other jobs. So be geared up with your basics. Read your training material and as many threads on the FI / CO Forums on SDN.

2. Moolah factor - DO NOT consider a "pay package" as one of your criteria when looking for an entry into SAP Consultancy. Or even SAP end user role, as Anand mentioned above. I am a strong believer of "free work", as you get to learn a lot on such a job and grow in the right direction, without manipulation from your "employer".

3. Not Applying for "experienced" jobs - You are not going to be sued or punished for applying to a job which requires blah-blah years of experience. So PLEASE apply for ALL FI/CO jobs that come your way and take as many interview experiences as you can- - personal, telephone, etc. Don't think that you are a fresher when it comes to applications.

I corrected all of these mistakes immediately after my certification. I went through more than 30 FICO groups on Facebook and LinkedIn and connected with unknown but knowledgeable FICO people on LinkedIn and kept asking them questions about interviews, openings, and their experiences as freshers. I worked for a Pharma company as an SAP end user for free for 3 months and gave more than 20 interviews from various SAP consulting companies during that period. My end user experiences became good stories to share during the interviews. Now I am well placed in SAP with just 6 months into it and connected to a pool of talent on and off SDN. And lastly, I did not have any domain experience. I was a "complete" fresher.

So all the best with your career!! Keep your eyes open.



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Valuable Inputs.Thanks.

I am looking out for jobs in US. Any help in the openings please?

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   All that is required is a little legwork and an adjustment in your expectations.

  • How do you find companies that run SAP?
    • Compile a list of companies
      • Check job boards (Monster and Dice are good for SAP jobs.) and look for companies posting SAP requirements of any kind.
      • Also check SAP user groups (
    • Crossreference with companies who operate in your area
      • Look for both local companies and companies headquartered in the city of your choice. (google: "companies headquartered in XXX" where XXX is the city in which you want to work)
  • Find specific opportunities for which you are qualified
    • Go to their CORPORATE career site
      • Do not go through the job board. Resumes are sometimes channeled by source and the direct resume pile is always shorter.
      • Learn about the company. See if it has a corporate philosophy that matches your own.
    • Look for jobs for which you are ALREADY qualified.
      • Do NOT try to get an SAP support job (doing configuration) if you are a fresher and all you have is certification (especially if you don't even have certification). You’ll be competing with folks with years of experience. Use the experience you have to get a job for which you ARE qualified.
      • Look for ENTRY LEVEL jobs in your domain. You can rest assured that you will be using the SAP system once you get hired (as an end user).
  • Get a job at a company that runs SAP.
  • Once you’ve settled in and proven that you can more than do the job you were hired to do,  explore opportunities in the SAP support group. While this path will take you a little longer it is a tried and true path to a career in SAP.

In general, SAP configuration is not considered an entry level position. Yes, many folks are recruited to do SAP config work right out of college. Some get recruited out of undergrad, but it is far more typical for companies to recruit out of an MBA program. The key word in that sentence is recruited. Companies do not give those opportunities to the general population. They hand pick the cream of the educational crop. Assuming you've already graduated, that window has pretty much closed unless you are willing/able to do something extreme like work for free for 3 months as Zubin did. He was obviously ambitious and aggressive (and I applaud those qualities in him) in his search as finding a company willing to bring you on for free is an extremely rare event outside of a formal internship program. You can look for internships, but those are mostly open to folks who are still in school.

Read the following blogs to get a feel for the pathways open to you at this point

Hope this helps!

Best regards,


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Hi Thomas

What an elloborate research. Simply Classic. Thanks

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i completed my in i m persuing fico(its almost finish).now i m really worried about interview.

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HI Zub,

This is Ritesh this side.

Frnd i am planning to pursue SAP FICO Ceritification, but i am concerned about this course & jobs after getting certified as fresher in SAP.

Although i am CA Intermediate, CS Intermediate & completed my grad in B.Com Hons. in 2008. Have practicle experience of more than 5 years in part time accountancy, 3.5 yrs full time articleship in CA Firm & currently working as an accounts executive in Real Estate Company in Delhi.

Please advice me whether FICO Certification is suitable for me ? And how tough it is actualy ?


Ritesh Khattri

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Hi Prabha Sridhar,

Can u suggest me best training center in delhi for SAP FICO Certification ?

Please help me to know how tough these SAP Modules are.


Ritesh Khattri

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Hi Ritesh,

Please put as many filters as you can before putting any of your resources into this field.

It is not tough from syllabubs point of view but it is very tough from financial point of view.

I would simply suggest you to go through the blog DOs & DON’Ts for SAP Career (Certification) on the basis of my on going journey from an Accountant t... and you will get answer to all your questions.



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Thanks bro,

But please suggest me is there any scope being SAP FICO Certified for me as a CA Intermediate & CS Intermediate ?

Bcoz some one said to me move for SAP Certification only if you are having any professional degree like CA, MBA or from IT background.

Its my big concern. As it will be a big step for me to move in different profession at after so long.



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Dear Ritesh,

So far as scope is concern, SAP has sky as a limit.

Provided you get an opportunity to prove your self.

In my personal opinion as a CA you may understand the subject batter or quicker but that may or may not help you to move in this profession.

There is one and only gate way to SAP and that is to get a JOB on implementation project. And surprisingly it has got only relevance with implementation experience and not with qualification or domain experience.

Please do analysis, is it possible to get such JOB today ?

Do one thing, just prepare a FAKE CV that you are a CA or MBA and FRESHER SAP certified consultant with handsome domain experience. Post it on any job portal and apply for SAP consultant's JOB. See how many interview calls you are getting.

You may find such real profiles on portals, awaiting for JOB!

you will come to know the real scenario at ground level.

I am not at all discouraging you, but trying to familiarize you with real life scenario so that you don't get any surprise on your career path.

In my opinion do not take any BIG step, today, there are all the chances that all your planning and calculation may go wrong.


Chirag Shah

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hi sir

I have sap fico training in Bangalore actually I am fresher I do not have any relevant experience my doubt is about if I do training whether it is useful or I need to be certified please help out on this ... why they are not hiring fresher's for sap please tell me  

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Dear Balram,

It is very difficult to answer your "WHY".

But my own survey says that there is insufficient new SAP implementation project in the market which can absorb the incoming flow of even certified SAP consultants.

In certain cases even senior and experienced consultants are not properly utilized, forget about freshers.

This field is fraught with high costs, high unemployment and where in success ratio is very very low.



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Dear Chirag

Friend m not CA as yet dats d main concern die to which m confused weather i shud join sap certification course. Will it b dat much fruitful to me only wid graduation n incomplete ca ?

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Dear Ritesh,

SAP has got nothing to do with qualification, weather you are qualified CA or Intermediate.

The main thing is there is no opening in the field of SAP for freshers. NOT AT ALLLL!!!

You will be wasting your time and money for certification if you do not have any contacts that can place you directly on Implementation project.

Batter concentrate on your CA or CS first and be qualified, you will get many more batter career options open in front of you.



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Hi Balraj I have a Tip for you you can try this: As you said You have completed SAP FICO Training at Feasible Cost its fine. No harm at all. Try to show your SAP IDES FICO Configuration I mean to say SAP IDES Practice session in your CV. We have the option of creating SAP Project in IDES. If you are interested in joining Authorized center at Bangalore then visit them. Talk to them openly about your Career.  SAP Education Partners will give Placement Assistance once you complete your training and exam.

Fact of SAP Jobs with SAP Partners of India:  SAP Consultant roles are based on their Business requirement. When I make a call to SAP Partners they said me its based on business requirement. So i'm telling you the same. Do not lose hopes. Just Go on...Go On...Go on this is 3 steps for success.  I have seen the job market of India from 2 years 3 months. SAP Partners hire Certified Freshers once in 6 months.  Only thing is you need to wait that's all I can say.



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hi pramila

thanks for the valuable thing I want know  from ur side the thing is certification is important to get a job ? becoz the thing is I just took a training in a institute they thought us the entire thing about the SAP for less cost .. so I  chosen this option and also I checked in Siemens also they told us around 300000 for doing certification duration only 15 days...  in our institute they thought us the same thing what they teach in Siemens  COPA CIN INTEGRATION, INTEGRATION WITH MM, SD,HR AND LOGISTICS ,AND ASLO THE REAL TIME PROJECT........ what they do in real time

my question is we need to be certified or training  is enough ?

please reply to this.............................

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Hi Balraj That's fine. But SAP Centers give training on latest version and their materials are also on new version. Just think again and decide.

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hi pramila

can u please send sample resume or cv to my email id will get an idea of showing IDES sap configuration in my CV

please please............................



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very inspiring...:)

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Dear Zubin Praful Shah,

I like your suggestion on sap job and respect your ideas. i have one question that i have no domain experience in sap co module and i have done company secretary and i have two years in company secretary. i wanted to go for training for sap co certifications . how to prepare for the sap co module training as i have no domain experience.

please guide me your valuable suggestions as your senior in this field to me.

<<Email, mobile number removed>>

Message was edited by: Ravi Sankar Venna

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thanks for good advise, I did sap fi ( Certified Application Associate) don't have experience but attended academy.

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Hi Zubin,

    My name is Suresh Kumar from coimbatore. I completed my MBA and having 5.2 years work experience in TCS. I have joined in sap training institute for sap fico module. That is unauthorised training centre. I have doubt that once i done that module, will i get job in any companies? . Once I getting job only, i can write the exam for get certification. Because my situation is like that. Please provide me the better solution. I totally confused .,.. 

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Hi Suresh

The domain experience of 5.2 years will really have a count and being certified will have a plus point in your profile where in getting an opportunity in sap will be a big plus, but what i advice for the right moment is get more knowledge on SAP FI , face interviews and get going


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Hi Anil,

   Thanks for your suggestion. I am getting training for sap fico in an unauthorized training center. I need to get a job asap after completing this training due to some family commitments. will companies consider this training for the job.?, or should we get FI certification ?

If i get a job means, can i apply only for FI certification exam or should i join the FI module in authorised center and get certify?

Could you please let me know the details.

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i recommend you to join an authorized sap education partner and try to get certified in the first chance

All the best


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Job is far will not be calling for interview..Thats a fact.I am also suffering

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you are absolutely right Pradipta Dey. You can not get any call untill unless you have a good source & influential references in that company.



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Thank you, Tom.

That help me a lot

Have a nice day !


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how can i contact you...i need your help regarding sap jobs

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HI, I don't have any it exp.... So can I enter into SAP FICO without it background ? And if I take FICO training can take online training or classroom training which one is good ? But I have abroad non it  exp..... Finally which training centre is good for new it people in Hyderabad ?

What is the important thing to learn in FICO to get good knowledge ?

What is the important thing to learn in FICO to get good knowledge ?

What is the important thing to learn in FICO to get good knowledge ?

thanks And regards.


Former Member
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HI, I don't have any it exp.... So can I enter into SAP FICO without it background ? And if I take FICO training can take online training or classroom training which one is good ? But I have abroad non it  exp..... Finally which training centre is good for new it people in Hyderabad ?

What is the important thing to learn in FICO to get good knowledge ?

What is the important thing to learn in FICO to get good knowledge ?

What is the important thing to learn in FICO to get good knowledge ?

thanks And regards.


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Hi Gattu,

Can you visit my linkedin Post ? Cross check my Pulse Blog Post you will come to know about SAP FICO in depth including Job Roles which I have received recently. You can search my name in linkedin by entering my first name.



Answers (16)

Answers (16)

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This is indeed an eternal question. Many have addressed it. Here are some blogs you may find helpful. The advice you have received is solid and very much in line with the Advice for Recent College Graduates blog.

I've gathered up a few blogs which might help:

A blog series for folks trying to learn SAP when they don't have an SAP job already

Hope this helps!

Best regards,


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Hi Imran,

it would be nice to see where your are right now.

But, for future references, I would try to learn as much as possible from open sources which you can find on the internet, such as blog posts like or SAP FICO Docs

and join communities around these blogs. Then complete your linkedin profile, show your best effort to learn the topic and I believe you might get a junior position while searching on, sap fico jobs or linkedin.

For more info I advise you to check also motivation posts here on SCN like or



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     SAP Certification is easiest way to enter in SAP for any fresher. Please do certification from know Certification partners of SAP like Atos SAP Certification Centre. Bwfore joining any training centre please check if they provide placements which can help you to find job.

Also, if you join any big company(Capgemini,Accenture...etc) who implements SAP projects, there you can join SAP team and after some SAP experience company itself provides certification with some conditions.


Sagar Kandalgaonkar

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HI, I don't have any it exp.... So can I enter into SAP FICO without it background ? And if I take FICO training can take online training or classroom training which one is good ? But I have abroad non it  exp..... Finally which training centre is good for new it people in Hyderabad ?

What is the important thing to learn in FICO to get good knowledge ?

What is the important thing to learn in FICO to get good knowledge ?

What is the important thing to learn in FICO to get good knowledge ?

thanks each and everyone........

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Same problem with me... I have already got certified from SAP FI from Atos India New Delhi center which is SAP authorized training partner in India & also I am having experience as End User more than 4 years but no job in Implementation field... Pls help me to find a job in implementation of SAP FI... I'll be very thankful to you... I have also completed Masters in Commerce & having 6 Years of domain experience in Finance & Accounts...



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Message was edited by: Ravi Sankar Venna

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Is there any one who did FI Certification via online mode being a non sap background.

Plz inform, i have few querries.



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Hi george Please read   The SCN Rules of Engagement | SCN        

Avoid solicitations. (Avoid marketing your company’s products and services.)
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Hi Everybody

Now a days SAP is the right career choice.There are jobs for freshers also but they must have good SAP skills.Training should be taken from proper institue who will provide you the implementation also.For details contact <<Name-MobileNumber>> (Modified by the Moderator)

@Moderator: Please do not give any reference to names or mobile numbers, it is against the SCN rules.

Please read rules of engagement.

Message was edited by: Ravi Sankar Venna

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Hello Every One,

Thanks for posting this Post with a good title "SAP FICO Fresher Job Myth or Reality". I started a research on Myth and Reality. I was very successful in identifying the Myth as well as Reality. I have made a clear path for recent Graduates and Students, You don't have to worry about Myths. Please focus on Reality. Reality is nothing but your SAP Project Skills, SAP Configuration Skills, Strong understanding of SAP FI-GL, SAP FI-AR/AP, SAP FI-AA, SAP FI-Closing Cock Pit, SAP FI Reports, SAP CO-Cost Accounting, SAP CO Profit Center Accounting, SAP CO Product Costing, SAP CO Internal Order, SAP CO - Profitability Analysis. Also update your SAP Knowledge with new Technology SAP HANA and SAP HANA ERP Financials & Controlling.  Also update your knowledge on SAP ASAP Methodology 7.2 and 8.

If you are looking for SAP Training then Contact SourceOne Management Services Pvt Ltd, Atos or Lithan Genovate.



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HI, I don't have any it exp.... So can I enter into SAP FICO without it background ? And if I take FICO training can take online training or classroom training which one is good ? But I have abroad non it  exp..... Finally which training centre is good for new it people in Hyderabad ?

What is the important thing to learn in FICO to get good knowledge ?

What is the important thing to learn in FICO to get good knowledge ?

What is the important thing to learn in FICO to get good knowledge ?

thanks And regards.


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Hi Imran,

Its not at all a difficult task to find SAP FI or CO Fresher role. I'm telling this after doing a research on SAP Job market. If you are interested in doing SAP Certification then contact with you company for sponsorship for SAP Training. If they are sponsoring then it will be good. If they won't do so then you need to make your arrangements and invest in SAP Training (Think & Decide). Once you are certified through SAP Education Partner, they will provide placement assistance. They will place you in SAP partner companies only when they have Fresher requirement. Getting SAP Consultant roles now a days is not based on Luck, it is based on SAP Partners Business requirement only. You need to wait for your right kind of role with patience.



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Hi...which is the best institute for SAP FICO module and how would be the future...can you let me know the details about FICO...


Sudhakar Reddy N

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Hi Sudhakar,

In my opinion Siemens Bangalore location would be best institute for SAP FICO module and i have heard that they provide well placement assistance to the students and their faculty are the best. Nowdays FICO is being seperated into FI & CO module.So,in which module are u interested?

Thanks & Regards,

Amit Kumar Dubey

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The only way how you can break the bottle neck is try to gte an entry atleast as an end user and further climb up the ladder to consulting Level


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HI, I don't have any it exp.... So can I enter into SAP FICO without it background ? And if I take FICO training can take online training or classroom training which one is good ? But I have abroad non it  exp..... Finally which training centre is good for new it people in Hyderabad ?

What is the important thing to learn in FICO to get good knowledge ?

What is the important thing to learn in FICO to get good knowledge ?

What is the important thing to learn in FICO to get good knowledge ?

thanks And regards.


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Dear Imran,

In the field of SAP there is a vicious circle so far as JOB and experience is concern.

You will not get JOB unless u have experience and how can one gain experience without JOB ?

In other word enter into the field of SAP only If you are capable of breaking this vicious-circle.



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Hi Abhidarshi,

I did my training at Source One as a Fresh Graduate along with SAP IDES Hands on Training and once you are certified in SAP FI, there is no need to worry about Job search, Education Partners will definitely place you in SAP Partner Companies based on their requirements for which you have to wait. Patience is more important. You can also upload your CV along with Cover Letter in SAP Companies Career Websites. Both Source One and Atos are Good Centers.


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Hi Pramila,

Thanks for reply. I still have few questions:

1) What is SAP IDES?

2) Do I need to pay extra for IDES?

3) How much time it will take to complete SAP IDES training?



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Hi Pramila,

Thanks for your info. Could you tell me more about SAP IDES Hands-on Training/Certification? Do they provide both training and certification? Is that officially certified by SAP? Also want to know if Source One and ATOS are official SAP training centers in India. How long is the course duration and what was the cost of for SAP FI module?

I am looking for SAP Training in BW/BOBJ in Chennai, and wanted to get your inputs.



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Hi Goutham,

Source One and Atos are official SAP training centers in India. Course duration is 20 days and Atos will cost you around Rs. 3.70 lakhs.



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Hi Abhidarshi

SAP IDES is for education purpose where in you can practise in SAP System,

Getting IDES installed in your system cost i range of 1000-2000 INR ( You need consultant a external vendor for the same

Training for SAP Certification is for 19- 20 days max



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Hi Abhidarshi Verma,

SAP IDES means International Demo Environment System which you can get installed from Basis Consultant who do installations or you can purchase it from SAP IDES Vendor.  SAP Basis Consultants charge you Rs. 2000 for SAP ECC 6.0 and for SAP ERP 6.0 EHP 5 they charge Rs.4500 including VM Ware + External HDD without formatting your Current system laptop or Desktop.

You need to take SAP IDES Training at Feasible Cost duration is 45 days. In 45 days you will be familiar with Configuration part. This will help you to Configure SAP system on Live server @ Authorized center. In 20 days you need to practice on live server along with theory.



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Hi Abhidarshi,

I second all what pramila said. When you go through a basis consultant for installation, see to it that your laptop has all the required configuration for IDES installation. I once installed IDES using VMWARE with a little bit less backup storage for data after which the system, it crashed. But after using external drive wtith appropriate configuration it worked on my laptop. So its always better to get your laptop config checked and go for IDES installation, and it will work great.

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fresher opening are rare in India. if you get SAP certification you can get the job...

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hi Vijay ,

I would like to add that only SAP Certification will not fetch you a job , it is really diffcult .

My friend is a SAP Certified FI/CO Consultant , worked six months on a support project .

But he is still searching for a full time opening in SAP FI/CO .

so to be placed as a Fresher is tough and there are quite a few guys waiting in line .

best of Luck .

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do not think that there is few guys waiting in the line. i guess so... min 3 years required for sap jobs. even client will not allow the fresher in his project. so companies also prefer experience candidates. that's the reason fresher will not get a sap job in india. it take so much of time. search your self fresher sap jobs. we can not get calls from any consultancy. i'm also fresher. i know little bit.

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What is the first step you took after clearing your certification. I cleared last november 2012. Calls do come in, but they prefer atleast one implementation experience. I sometime wonder, how people even became FI consultant with 10years of experience, and how they started. How and when it starts become a big question for me sometimes..

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Thanks Tom,

I am a bachelor of commerce & masters in financial management with 6 years of experience.  my last project was dated in 2009. I recently cleared my certification in FI module. Initially i never used to get any calls, but of late i get calls, asking for atleast one implementation experience. India hiring trend is so slow, with the current market condition i think its a long waiting line for many of us out there.

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Hello Subhalakshmi  I have seen many people doing a certification with normal domain experience. But some people are not getting calls for SAP Interview. 

I have some tips for you which you can try out.

Firstly You must not include your previous experience in your cv/resume. You can just mention about your role in Work Experience, Please do not disclose full detailed information about previous experience.

Secondly, When you are certified in SAP respective module then you need to show your SAP IDES Demo Practice Session, Try to create Business Scenarios in SAP IDES relating to Financials. After completion of this task you can mention this in your CV/Resume. But never stop your SAP IDES Practice.

Well I'm not big person to advice or suggest. I'm a Fresh Graduate with out any experience. I have got entry in SAP for Authorized Training in Bangalore. And all this happened to me since I had practiced SAP IDES ECC6.0 and SAP IDES ERP 6.0 EHP 5. I had mentioned this in my CV and also got Calls from SAP Consulting companies like Deloitte, HCL Technologies Limited, Robert Bosch, Volvo IT, and many more...but I could not attend interviews during 2011, 2012, 2013 Because companies had asked Authorized Certification along with Training.

I will get it in 2013 here in Bangalore alone.

Just try my TIP if you are interested or ignore it.



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SAP Companies will look for SAP Expertise/Skill Sets. So even if you have normal domain experience you will be a SAP Fresher in SAP world.

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Hi Pramila,

Its a useful tip, i will definitely try it out. thanks.

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Can  you  share with me a gist of  your resume. My background is finance, i am trying to tone my resume little bit to get some positive attention, i will include the ides practice experience also to see it if helps . Thanks.

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Hi I had stored in my SCN Personal blog, but unfortunately all my contents where deleted. Give me time I will upload it my blog.



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that would be very helpful . Thanks.

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Hi Parmila,

Can you please tell me from where you did your SAP.

I am planning to do SAP FI module from Atos or Sourceone but I am facing lots of confusion/ doubt related to job opportunities. 



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Atos is preferrable.

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Hi Abhidarshi,

I did my training at Source One as a Fresh Graduate along with SAP IDES Hands on Training and once you are certified in SAP FI, there is no need to worry about Job search, Education Partners will definitely place you in SAP Partner Companies based on their requirements for which you have to wait. Patience is more important. You can also upload your CV along with Cover Letter in SAP Companies Career Websites. Both Source One and Atos are Good Centers.  Visit Both Centers and Talk to Training Head of both centers and then take your decision.


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Hi Abhidarshi,

I did my sap certification from Delphi Computech, Pimpri, Pune. SAP EDU partners do help in getting interview calls. But its a long wait, keeping the current market condition in mind. As stated by pramila, post resume in SAP companies career websites and also companies that use SAP software for their implementaion. Hope it helps.


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Hi Subhalakshmi,

Thanks for your response.

Can you tell me avg. time it take to get job (fresher) and the package.

Thanks in Adv.


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At present  there are opportunities in cities like Hyderabad, Mumbai and Bangalore.  As pramila said, yes, SAP Ed partners will help you get calls from companies across India. I cleared last November, but still to be placed. As all the calls i have received so far are for Mumbai or Bangalore, i am based in Pune i couldn't opt Mumbai or Bangalore because of my family. Pune is little bit slow at present.

Every 6 months Freshers Do get opportune, but if you get one call try to crack it in one go.

Package wont be that great at the beginning, is what i heard from few of my friends. But once you are through with one implementation, it will rise up to 200%.

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There are lot of compnies that hire freshers also for SAP FICO . Currently there is opening in emergys corporation for FICO and lot other comanies are also there. you post questions for asking name of companies where there is opening for the same.


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Hi Saurabh, can you help me with the names & info of the companies hiring freshers. Thanks in Advance!!

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Hi All,

I am struggling to get a break in SAP FICO although I got one in one company, however I was on bench for 6 months and due to unavailability of projects I had to quit. Hence again I am sitting idle to get a job in SAP FICO. Can anybody help me with information on openings in SAP for 6 months or fresher.

Millions of thanks.

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let know the company that hires  for fresher's



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where, do we have any in South Africa?

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I want to share one thing, I was also one day in same situation where I was having Domain experience and SAP certification. But I did landed with a job in one of the MNC. There are some time when there are opening for freshers too. You just keep trying FICO is ever demanding module.

One more thinh please try getting job as end users in any company where SAP is implemented. It will give you some more points at time of interview and atleast you will be intouch with SAP screen.


Anand Raichura

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Anand Raichura

I have done sap fico training in one of the institute name called white horse technologies my question is about I have done training whether it is useful or we need to be certified. actually I am a fresher and there is no opening in fresher in Bangalore I am feeling blank I spent more to this, please help out the opening for fresher and also please reply this




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Hi Anand,

This is Ritesh this side.

Frnd i am planning to pursue SAP FICO Ceritification, but i am concerned about this course & jobs after getting certified as fresher in SAP.

Although i am CA Intermediate, CS Intermediate & completed my grad in B.Com Hons. in 2008. Have practicle experience of more than 5 years in part time accountancy, 3.5 yrs full time articleship in CA Firm & currently working as an accounts executive in Real Estate Company in Delhi.

Please advice me whether FICO Certification is suitable for me ? And how tough it is actualy ?


Ritesh Khattri

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Hi Ritesh, You can Contact Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, They have the option of offering SAP Training & Certification through SAP India Pvt Limited. Here is the official link of ICAI : 

You can contact ICAI Officials for more details.



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Hi Ritesh I had dreams to do CA but I did MBA Finance. Qualification is not a big matter. One of my Friend from Vizag - Mr.Pentyala Srikanth is doing SAP Certification FICO from ICAI, two days back he asked me about SAP Certification weight age for FI topics and CO Topics. You can contact him in Facebook. He is pursuing CA Final (Second group is pending). Contact ICAI Officials and clarify with them.



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Hi Pramila, thanks for your geniune advice.

Are you a SAP Certified ? which module ?

Suggest me how can i get in touch with you & your frnd on facebook for your consultation ?

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