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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

The SAP Academic Conference is the annual conference for member faculty from all over Europe, the Middle East and Africa. The event brings together leading professors and experts to discuss new topics in teaching and research with SAP software in universities and higher educational institutions. It provides a tremendous opportunity to exchange ideas and share experiences with colleagues and partners as well as form networking contacts for future curricula and research development.

After Dresden in 2012 and Munich in 2013 it is now time for another major city in Germany to host the annual meeting. The 19th SAP Academic Conference will take place in Berlin on September 9 - 10, 2014. This year’s conference theme is “Cloud meets Data Driven Processes – New Horizons and Entrepreneurial Opportunities in Big Data” and hence, perfectly fits to the Berlin start-up culture. The main conference day and the evening event will take place on September 9. On this day, several keynotes and presentations will be held with regard to new and existing projects around the topics big data and entrepreneurship. An opportunity to attend different break-out sessions is provided on the second day of the event, on September 10. Both, the conference day as well as the break-out sessions will take place at the Freie Universität Berlin (FU Berlin).

Cloud meets Data Driven Processes – New Horizons and Entrepreneurial Opportunities in Big Data

90% of the data in the world today has been created in the last two years. This explosion in data volume, variety, and velocity is called Big Data – and if you can harness it, it will revolutionize the way you do business. Therefore Big Data is one of the main focus topics that will be discussed at this year’s conference. SAP will present the available Big Data curriculum and how SAP software can be used to dive into that ocean of information and extract real business value – in real time. Furthermore, selected speakers will present their big data research outcomes. Another focus will lie on Entrepreneurship. SAP strongly supports young entrepreneurs to fulfill their start-up ideas with the Student Entrepreneurship Program as well as the SAP Startup Focus Program. In this context, three entrepreneurs will present their business models and experiences – from the initial idea up to a successful company.

Meet Experts in the Exhibition Area

During the main conference day, we will again provide an exhibition area to offer a platform for active exchange. Various topic tables will offer the opportunity to meet UA stakeholders and subject matter experts and get insights into new products and curriculum projects.

Attend One of the Workshops and Train the Trainer Courses Right Before and After the Conference 

The day preceding the main SAP Academic Conference EMEA, September 8, selected participants get the opportunity to participate in the “Business Idea Bootcamp” in Berlin which will offer you broad insights in how to develop your ideas into a business model. We are looking for innovative products or business ideas at early stages, which are based on big data or data driven processes. The best ideas of the Bootcamp will be presented during the conference day on September 9.

In addition to the break-out sessions on September 10, multiple training classes from our fall training season will be offered subsequent to the SAP Academic Conference EMEA at the UCC Magdeburg and the SAP subsidiary in Berlin. An overview of all available classroom trainings can be found in the Event–Section of the SAP UA EMEA Portal. These include, amongst others, Design Thinking, SAP HANA, GBI Update, and SAP Workforce Performance Builder.

The SAP Academic Conference EMEA delivers a robust agenda filled with opportunities for you to LEARN, APPLY, SHARE and CONNECT with your peers. This includes networking opportunities with faculty from all over EMEA, learn more about new SAP solutions and UA curriculum, attend break-out sessions, train the trainer courses and meet UA partners and stakeholder. The detailed agenda can be found on the dedicated event website.

Don’t miss a week of inspiration, education, and networking with the UA community and the SAP Ecosystem in Germany’s capital city!

0 Kudos

Conference was well organized, but it is difficult to find the presented slides

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hi Mr Rupp,

the link to the slides has been distributed via Email to all conference attendees last week. In case you did not receive this Email please feel free to reach out to and we will provide them to you.


juliane krampe

0 Kudos

Hi Juliane

thanks a lot for your answer. I was not aware of the mail, but now I checke my mails and got it!!

Thanks, everything is fine

Regards Reinhard :smile: