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Community Advocate

More about Patrizia in SAP Community

Patrizia Rossi Circular.png


Location (City, Country): Rome, Italy 
Occupation: SAP Solution Architect @ Syscons 


Patrizia, tell us about yourself.
Who are you, what do you like to do, what is important to you?

I was born in Rome, and ever since I was a child, I dreamt of becoming a programmer because of my love for computers. Technology fascinates me, especially home automation, but I also enjoy playing sports with my dog, Joker. For me, it's crucial to always believe in dreams and find ways to make them come true.

What is your area of expertise?
What does a usual day at work look like for you?

I started my career many years ago, developing in ABAP, but over the years, I've had the opportunity to specialize in SAP Fiori and now SAP BTP, transitioning from the pro-code to the low-code world. I lead a team of young members, and my typical day involves working closely with them on our projects. In addition to my core responsibilities, my day also involves guiding our customers towards innovation, helping them navigate and adopt new technologies and strategies to enhance their business processes.

What inspired you to become an SAP Champion in SAP Community?

Ever since my early years in the SAP Community, I have always found great inspiration in the SAP Mentors. I've always admired them, and thanks to various events, I had the opportunity to meet some of them in person. Now, being an SAP Champion feels like fulfilling a dream. Knowing that I am part of a vast community and can contribute to its growth, even in a small way, is a wonderful feeling.

How do you learn in SAP Community?
What is your daily/weekly routine in SAP Community?

When I first joined the SAP Community, my goal was to find solutions to the technical problems I faced in my programming career. Gradually, I began to feel more involved, especially through organizing SAP Inside Track events and similar activities. Now, my use of the community has evolved to include interacting with other members, seeking advice, and sharing suggestions. Of course, I also continue to search for solutions to technical challenges.

What is your suggestion to get the most out of SAP Community?

To get the most out of the SAP Community, I believe it's truly beneficial to participate in initiatives such as Inside Track events, CodeJam, and similar activities. These events provide opportunities to meet the gurus who write the blogs, build strong relationships, and always have great points of reference. It's these connections and interactions that enrich your experience in the community.

Arrow_pictogramm_new.pngPatrizia's question to you:
MMhh, I don't have a specific question, but over the years, I've noticed a scarcity of Italian women in the SAP Community. Do you think there's a way I could encourage more of them to become a part of the community? Could I be a good example for them?


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