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More about Kennedy in SAP Community

Kennedy Thomas Circular.png

Location (City, Country): Kuwait
Occupation: Application Manager – SAP B1


Kennedy, tell us about yourself.
Who are you, what do you like to do, what is important to you?

I am Kennedy Thomas, originally from India. My upbringing took place in a small village called Boys Town Pulluthu, located in Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India. I completed my Master's degree in  Finance Control. at Thiagarajar College, Madurai.

I commenced my career as a junior accountant with Mahindra Logisoft Business Solutions in 2007. It was here that I had the opportunity to delve into SAP Business One, sparking a curiosity that led me to join the SAP community. Over the years, I actively engaged with the community, gradually transitioning from a learner to a contributor. I began answering queries from fellow members and eventually assumed the role of Topic Leader. This journey has not only expanded my knowledge but has also allowed me to contribute to the SAP community.

After working with multiple companies currently settled in Kuwait working with AL Mojil drug Company as an Application Manager.

I dedicate time to my son, Shanley Shervin, and my wife, Sugirtha Jenifer, and engage in continuous learning.

What is your area of expertise?
What does a usual day at work look like for you?

A typical workday for me involves:

Morning Planning and Preparation:

Schedule and conduct client meetings to gather requirements, discuss project progress, and address any issues.
Provide comprehensive updates on ongoing projects and promptly respond to client queries.
Configuration and Customization:

Devote time to configuring and customizing SAP Business One based on client specifications.
User Training:

Facilitate user training sessions to ensure a smooth transition and proficient usage of SAP Business One.
Maintain thorough project documentation, including configuration guides, training materials, and project plans.
Project Management:

Oversee project timelines, ensuring tasks are completed in accordance with the established schedule.
Continuous Improvement:

Stay current with SAP Business One updates and industry best practices to enhance efficiency.
End-of-Day Review:

Reflect on the day's accomplishments and update task lists for the following day.
Prepare for upcoming meetings or tasks.
This routine allows me to navigate the demands of client interactions, system customization, training sessions, and project management effectively.

What inspired you to become an SAP Champion in SAP Community?

The inspiration behind my commitment to this role stems from a genuine passion for SAP technology and the invaluable exchange of knowledge within the community.

Over the years, as I engaged with SAP Community forums, I witnessed firsthand the collaborative spirit and wealth of expertise shared by members. The willingness to help and the collective drive for continuous learning deeply resonated with me.

As I became more involved, I found satisfaction in contributing to discussions, answering queries, and sharing insights. The opportunity to assist fellow members and play a role in enhancing the SAP ecosystem became a rewarding journey.

Being recognized as an SAP Champion further motivates me to continue fostering a culture of collaboration and knowledge-sharing within the SAP Community. I believe in the power of a supportive community to drive innovation and elevate the collective proficiency of its members.

How do you learn in SAP Community?
What is your daily/weekly routine in SAP Community?

Certainly! Learning in the SAP Community can be a rewarding experience. The SAP Community is a platform where SAP professionals, developers, and users come together to share knowledge, ask questions, and collaborate.

I start my day by checking the SAP Community discussions and forums. This helps me stay updated on the latest queries, discussions, and announcements.

If I come across questions within my expertise, I make an effort to provide helpful and accurate answers. This not only assists the community members but also enhances my own understanding of SAP topics.

In summary, my daily and weekly routine revolves around staying informed, contributing to the community, continuous learning, and building meaningful connections. The SAP Community has been instrumental in my professional growth, and I find that a consistent and engaged approach yields the best results.

What is your suggestion to get the most out of SAP Community?

Here are some suggestions to get the most out of your engagement:

Active Participation: Actively participate in discussions, forums, and groups relevant to your areas of interest or expertise. By engaging in conversations, asking questions, and contributing your insights, you enhance both your learning and the community's collective knowledge.

Explore Diverse Content: Explore a variety of content formats such as blogs, articles, and webinars. This ensures exposure to different perspectives and keeps you informed about the latest developments in the SAP ecosystem.

Follow Influencers: Identify and follow influencers and experts in your field within the SAP Community. This helps you stay connected with thought leaders, learn from their experiences, and receive updates on industry trends.

Contribute Through Blogging: Share your knowledge and experiences by contributing blogs. This not only establishes your presence in the community but also provides valuable insights to others.

Leverage Learning Resources: Take advantage of the wealth of learning resources available, including tutorials, documentation, and webinars. Regularly check for new educational content to stay current with SAP technologies.

Attend Events and Meetups: Participate in SAP events, conferences, and local meetups. Networking with other community members in person or virtually can lead to valuable connections and insights.

Utilize Search Functionality: Use the search functionality effectively to find relevant information. Often, your queries may have been discussed previously, and you can benefit from existing solutions and discussions.

Provide Constructive Feedback: If you encounter challenges or have suggestions for improvement, provide constructive feedback. The SAP Community values input from its members to enhance the overall experience.

Remember, the SAP Community is a dynamic platform that thrives on collaboration and knowledge sharing. By actively engaging, exploring diverse content, and contributing meaningfully, you can create a rewarding experience for yourself and others.

Arrow_pictogramm_new.pngKennedy's question to you:

"In your experience with SBO Implementation, what challenges have you faced, and how did you overcome them? I'm eager to learn from your insights and experiences. Share your thoughts in the comments below, and let's create a space for collaborative learning!"

Your contribution will not only enrich the discussion but also provide valuable insights for fellow readers. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts.


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