2011 Mar 17 5:55 PM
2011 Mar 18 1:00 AM
ISUACBMISub Subworkflow by Moved-In Installation
ISUACBMoveIn Automatic Owner Move-In
ISUACBMveOut Automatic Owner Move-Out
ISUARCHLINK1 Early Archiving of Move-In Notification
ISUCollAcc Collection Procedure at Account Level
ISUCollAccT Collection Procedure at Account Level
ISUCompSmOrd IS-U: Start Final SM Order Confirmation
ISUConCreIns Create and Install Service Connection
ISUCrFreeze Move-In/Out: Lock Creditworthiness
ISUCrRelease Move-In/Out: Release Locked Creditworth.
ISUIdeEnrCom IS-U: IDE Enrollment Communication
ISUIdeEnrFra ISU: IDE Enrollment Framework
ISUMRenter Monitoring of MR Results Entry
ISUMRentry Monitoring of MR Results Entry
ISUNewConOrd Service Connection Order Processing
ISUNewConQuo Service Conn. Processing with Quotation
ISUProcSMOrd IS-U: Process SM Order
ISUProdCRM CRM Management for Utility Products
ISUProdQuo Quotation Processing for IS-U Products
ISUQuoDecisi Customer Decision About Quotation
ISUREQError0 ISU_REQUEST Inbound Error with Log
ISUREQWarn0 ISU_REQUEST Inbound Warning/Log
ISUResRelPro Resource-Related Service Process
ISUSelAccnt Select Contract Account for Bus. Partner
ISUSettl0001 ISU-EDM: Settlement Proc. VV2_SYNTH
ISUSettl0002 ISU-EDM: Obsolete (VV2_ANALY)
ISUSettl0003 ISU-EDM: Obsolete (VV2_ANAEXT)
ISUSettl0004 ISU-EDM: Settlement Proc. VV2_SCHEDU
ISUSettl0005 ISU-EDM: Settlement Proc. EXTANALYT
ISUSettl0006 ISU-EDM: Det. Overtake/Undertake Amnts
ISUS IS-U: Change of Supplier (Reserved)
ISUS IS-U: Change of Supplier (Reserved)
ISUS IS-U: Change of Supplier (Reserved)
ISUS IS-U: Change of Supplier (Reserved)
ISUS IS-U: Change of Supplier (Reserved)
ISUSuSwCRMCe IS-U: Change of Supp. CRM Connector Enh.
ISUSuSwCRMCo IS-U: Change of Supplier CRM Connector
ISUSuSwCRMLi IS-U: Link Switch Doc. & CRM Contract
ISUSuSwCSPAG IS-U: Check Service Provider Agreement
ISUSuSwChScE IS-U Check Actions for Supp.Scen. (Reg.)
ISUSuSwCheck ISU: Change of Supplier - Chck Framework
ISUSuSwCreBS ISU: Organize Backup Supply
ISUSuSwDist IS-U Suppler Change for Distibutor
ISUSuSwGSScD IS-U: Det. Current Supply Scen. (Term)
ISUSuSwGetSU IS-U: Determine Settlement Unit
ISUSuSwInfo ISU: Agent Information
ISUSuSwNSCRM IS-U: Chnge of Supplier: New Supp. (CRM)
ISUSuSwNewSu IS-U: Supplier Change: New Supplier
ISUSuSwOSCRM IS-U: Change of Supp. Former Supp. (CRM)
ISUSuSwOldSu IS-U Supplier Change: Old Supplier
ISUSuSwPSScD IS-U: Modify Supply Scenario (Term.)
ISUSuSwPSScE IS-U: Modify Supply Scenario (Reg.)
ISUSuSwStpBS ISU: End Backup Supply
ISUSupCSMOrd Monitor completion of service order
ISUSupSwitch IS-U: IDE Change of Supplier VV2
ISUSupSwtCan IS-U: IDE Change of Supplier, Reversal
ISUSupSwtDro IS-U: IDE CoS, Termination Notification
ISUSupSwtRes IS-U: IDE CoS, Rejection Notification
ISU_AChBpDat Arch. Workflow for Changes to Saved Data
ISU_AMoOuDoc Archiving Workflow for Move-Out Document
ISU_RCON_VAC IS-U: Check Reconnection Status
ISU_VAC_DIS1 Vacant Status Monitoring/Disconnection
ISU_Vaca_Dis IS-U: Vacancy Block or Monitoring
2011 Mar 18 1:00 AM
ISUACBMISub Subworkflow by Moved-In Installation
ISUACBMoveIn Automatic Owner Move-In
ISUACBMveOut Automatic Owner Move-Out
ISUARCHLINK1 Early Archiving of Move-In Notification
ISUCollAcc Collection Procedure at Account Level
ISUCollAccT Collection Procedure at Account Level
ISUCompSmOrd IS-U: Start Final SM Order Confirmation
ISUConCreIns Create and Install Service Connection
ISUCrFreeze Move-In/Out: Lock Creditworthiness
ISUCrRelease Move-In/Out: Release Locked Creditworth.
ISUIdeEnrCom IS-U: IDE Enrollment Communication
ISUIdeEnrFra ISU: IDE Enrollment Framework
ISUMRenter Monitoring of MR Results Entry
ISUMRentry Monitoring of MR Results Entry
ISUNewConOrd Service Connection Order Processing
ISUNewConQuo Service Conn. Processing with Quotation
ISUProcSMOrd IS-U: Process SM Order
ISUProdCRM CRM Management for Utility Products
ISUProdQuo Quotation Processing for IS-U Products
ISUQuoDecisi Customer Decision About Quotation
ISUREQError0 ISU_REQUEST Inbound Error with Log
ISUREQWarn0 ISU_REQUEST Inbound Warning/Log
ISUResRelPro Resource-Related Service Process
ISUSelAccnt Select Contract Account for Bus. Partner
ISUSettl0001 ISU-EDM: Settlement Proc. VV2_SYNTH
ISUSettl0002 ISU-EDM: Obsolete (VV2_ANALY)
ISUSettl0003 ISU-EDM: Obsolete (VV2_ANAEXT)
ISUSettl0004 ISU-EDM: Settlement Proc. VV2_SCHEDU
ISUSettl0005 ISU-EDM: Settlement Proc. EXTANALYT
ISUSettl0006 ISU-EDM: Det. Overtake/Undertake Amnts
ISUS IS-U: Change of Supplier (Reserved)
ISUS IS-U: Change of Supplier (Reserved)
ISUS IS-U: Change of Supplier (Reserved)
ISUS IS-U: Change of Supplier (Reserved)
ISUS IS-U: Change of Supplier (Reserved)
ISUSuSwCRMCe IS-U: Change of Supp. CRM Connector Enh.
ISUSuSwCRMCo IS-U: Change of Supplier CRM Connector
ISUSuSwCRMLi IS-U: Link Switch Doc. & CRM Contract
ISUSuSwCSPAG IS-U: Check Service Provider Agreement
ISUSuSwChScE IS-U Check Actions for Supp.Scen. (Reg.)
ISUSuSwCheck ISU: Change of Supplier - Chck Framework
ISUSuSwCreBS ISU: Organize Backup Supply
ISUSuSwDist IS-U Suppler Change for Distibutor
ISUSuSwGSScD IS-U: Det. Current Supply Scen. (Term)
ISUSuSwGetSU IS-U: Determine Settlement Unit
ISUSuSwInfo ISU: Agent Information
ISUSuSwNSCRM IS-U: Chnge of Supplier: New Supp. (CRM)
ISUSuSwNewSu IS-U: Supplier Change: New Supplier
ISUSuSwOSCRM IS-U: Change of Supp. Former Supp. (CRM)
ISUSuSwOldSu IS-U Supplier Change: Old Supplier
ISUSuSwPSScD IS-U: Modify Supply Scenario (Term.)
ISUSuSwPSScE IS-U: Modify Supply Scenario (Reg.)
ISUSuSwStpBS ISU: End Backup Supply
ISUSupCSMOrd Monitor completion of service order
ISUSupSwitch IS-U: IDE Change of Supplier VV2
ISUSupSwtCan IS-U: IDE Change of Supplier, Reversal
ISUSupSwtDro IS-U: IDE CoS, Termination Notification
ISUSupSwtRes IS-U: IDE CoS, Rejection Notification
ISU_AChBpDat Arch. Workflow for Changes to Saved Data
ISU_AMoOuDoc Archiving Workflow for Move-Out Document
ISU_RCON_VAC IS-U: Check Reconnection Status
ISU_VAC_DIS1 Vacant Status Monitoring/Disconnection
ISU_Vaca_Dis IS-U: Vacancy Block or Monitoring