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Disconnect Document and Device Removal

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi everybody,

For a disconnect document (tcode EC87) SAP has status 23 (Device Removal Started) and 24(Device Removal Executed).

We understand SAP sets these statuses automatically, but we do not know what are the transactions that lead to these statuses to be set automatically.

We would like to be able to initiate a meter removal order and have the disc.doc.status to be 23 and then when the meter removal order is completed to have the status be 24.

In other words, we would like our disc.doc to have the following statuses with corresponding work orders as disconnect activities.

20 - Disconnection started (Disc. order created and linked to disc.doc)

21 - Disconnection carried out (Disc.order technically completed)

... <30 days after the disconnection, device removal is triggered>

23 - Device removal started (Meter removal order created and linked to disc.doc)

24 - Device Removal Executed (Meter removal order technically completed)

As a side note, when we execute tcode EG32 - Full Removal, SAP sets the disc.doc status to 27(All Devices removed and Disconnected). This is good, but we would like to be able to split the process in 2 parts (23 and 24)

Thanks in advance for your help



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Victor,

The status 23 and 24 would work for you if you have a single device in the Installation.

If you are getting 27, that means you are working with more than one device in the disconnection document.

Also if you have Work Order integrated with meter removal then you would see status 23, if not then on meter removal EG32 , you would directly see status 24 like I do for single disconnection object.

Hope this helps.



0 Kudos

Hi Rakesh,

Thank you very much for your response.

We in fact have only one device per installation, but we are still unable to see the status 23 automatically set by the system.

Could you please elaborate a little bit more on the integration of the meter removal process and the work order? We use work orders to remove meters, but we haven’t seen any place in the customizing where you can explicitly indicate that a work order is a “meter removal order”

Thank you,


0 Kudos

Hi Victor,

Please have a look at FM ISU_DISCDOC_DEV_REMOVE

This is the FM which changes the status in the Disconnection document when the device removal happens.

You can check from line 121.

The integration of the Order and removal process would be custom workflows and enhancements.

Hope this helps.



0 Kudos

Hi Rakesh,

We took a look at FM ISU_DISCDOC_DEV_REMOVE but it looks that this FM is used once the device removal has taken place to set the status to 24(Dev.Removal Executed) or 27(All devices removed and disconnected).

Based on your comment, we understand that setting the status 23 (Device removal started) is custom development. Would you be able to provide the FM that would have to be utilized to set the disconnection document status to 23?

Thanks in advance,


Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Victor,

SAP has a standard workflow WS20500108 (t.code SWDD) to control the status of disconnection documents, you could customize this workflow based on your requirements above.

0 Kudos

Hi Yuvaraj,

Thanks for your response, I'm going to analyze your suggestion and see if it works for us. I'll let you know about the results.

Thanks again,
