2006 Sep 18 9:37 AM
HI all,
IAm working on OGSD,(Oil and GAs SEcondary Distribution)
is anyone has any clue how it will caliculate the the address with Postal Address of Customers where to deliver??
2007 Aug 01 4:24 PM
Hi Imran,
there is a table 'Assign Postal Code to Delivery Zone' (TA /ICO/MO_PTPL_TCD) in the transportation planning menu where you can assign postal codes to delivery zones.
You can also work with GEO coordinates, they can be assigned to a customer in TA /ICO/MOV_KNA1V_TCD, also in the transportation planning menu.
A report /ICO/MO_GEO_LOCATE can be used to GEO code customers.
Kind regards,
2007 Jun 19 5:28 AM
will pls explain your sceanario in brief, i didn't understand your problem. will pls post agains with all the details.
Hari Shankar
2007 Aug 01 4:24 PM
Hi Imran,
there is a table 'Assign Postal Code to Delivery Zone' (TA /ICO/MO_PTPL_TCD) in the transportation planning menu where you can assign postal codes to delivery zones.
You can also work with GEO coordinates, they can be assigned to a customer in TA /ICO/MOV_KNA1V_TCD, also in the transportation planning menu.
A report /ICO/MO_GEO_LOCATE can be used to GEO code customers.
Kind regards,