2011 Sep 20 10:56 AM
Hi all.
I would like to share this with you all.
After loosing three days looking for any kind of standard FM to assign resources (rooms or instructors) to an event (E), I request your help.
Any of you have found or used those functions in SAP?
Thanks in advance for your support.
2011 Sep 21 5:39 AM
Hi Roberto,
The function module 'HRIQ_EVENT_CREATE' or 'HRIQ_EVENT_CHANGE' can be used for this purpose. However for detailed assignment of resources, I suggest you to refer to the subroutine 'schedule_generate' and 'save_newoffering' in function group HRPIQ00ACADOFFER_MAINT to see how the data is populated for being passed to those FMs.
2011 Sep 20 11:28 AM
Dear Roberto,
Please check the following FM's
You could also check on:
- RH_*resource (Training and event management FM's)
- *LSO **resource (Learning Solution FM's)
2011 Sep 20 12:09 PM
Dear Rob.
First of all, thanks for your quick reply and your help.
Believe me when i tell you that i expend three days looking for that function module.
I already have checked all FM groups and FM starting RH, HRIQ or LSO, but i only found this one "HRIQ_EVENT_CHANGE" that could help me adding new instructors or rooms, after the event creation. The big problem is: this fm is a really complicated one (you can change from event description to event schedule) and i am interested in a simpler one.
All other starting RH, HRIQ or LSO funtions are about display or show resources already assigned to an event, not for assigning new ones.
Best regards.
2011 Sep 20 12:33 PM
Hi Roberto,
Already thought so ;). Maybe some other active members of this forum can help out (Prabhat, Diego?). Plus you could ask the same question on the HR forum?
Will also check within my network.
2011 Sep 20 12:44 PM
Hi, I will ask Michael Hobbins from our team to give some info on which fms we are using and how we are using them.
2011 Sep 20 12:56 PM
2011 Sep 20 2:58 PM
Hello Roberto:
the FM we're using is HRIQ_EVENT_CREATE, not very creative , but we found nothing more appropriate, and we found it very flexible to work with events (unluckily flexible is a synonym of complex and hard work).
Let's move into when and how we used it:
regular courses are still created using SAPgui
we needed something more agile to use when a room or resource was needed for unusual activities (meetings for example), and no instructors were needed. We went into a web app. The user will indicate date(s), start and end time and resource. We developed a FM+webservice which "receives" the data inserted by the user and ends executing HRIQ_EVENT_CREATE. (precondition: we have a generic module created with its correpsonding event type needed to execute HRIQ_EVENT_CREATE)
a previous step to the event creation (on a separate FM+webservice) will check for conflicts in the proposed resource reservation, where the user will see a report of conflicts and make necessary changes before submitting the reservation.
Would you like to see our codes? Part of it is in Spanish which'll help you read the code
2011 Sep 21 1:43 AM
Dear Roberto,
I will suggest you to use "HRIQ_EVENT_CHANGE" only. Event planning in SLCM is little complex. You can easily put yourself in trouble if you are not using standard delivered FMs.
If you still want to do it you can use "HRIQ_BAPI_INFTY_CHANGE". It stores resource(not schedule) related information in info type 1001( relationship 023) and 1716.
Best Regards,
Prabhat Singh
2011 Sep 22 8:01 AM
Hi Michael
thank you for your answer, and sorry for being so late replying.
That's exactly what we need, the "unusual activities" ;-> , but in our case they are about assingning new instructors to an event or, as you said, meeting rooms.
Please, if possible, i would like to use your offering about the source code.
Thanks again for your help.
2014 Nov 04 3:18 AM
Hi Prabhat,
I want to update a course (Schedule, Room and Location details).
I have gone through the thread and tried using the FM : HRIQ_EVENT_CHANGE
But I am getting an error message
Choose a valid academic year, but this specific data is not maintained, can you please suggest a work around ?
2014 Nov 04 3:57 AM
Hi Supriya: can you tell us what the error message is? A printscreen might be the best way to show it.
2011 Sep 21 5:39 AM
Hi Roberto,
The function module 'HRIQ_EVENT_CREATE' or 'HRIQ_EVENT_CHANGE' can be used for this purpose. However for detailed assignment of resources, I suggest you to refer to the subroutine 'schedule_generate' and 'save_newoffering' in function group HRPIQ00ACADOFFER_MAINT to see how the data is populated for being passed to those FMs.
2011 Sep 21 8:15 AM
Thanks Diego, Michael, Prabhat and Shalini; really appreciated!
2011 Sep 22 8:05 AM
Thank you all for your solutions (Rob, Diego, Michael, Prabhat and Shalini).
Your help is very appreciated and it solved my problem.
kind regards.