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Fee payments against specific programmes

Former Member
0 Kudos


A slight variation on something we were looking at earlier!

One of our schools is looking to introduce a new suite of programmes that do not have any specific modules attached but rather students can select as per their requirements.

The intention is that we will charge them a fee based on module credits, rather than programme, which we will therefore do in the form of a surcharge by module credit and have the actual programme fee set at zero

The issue we have is that we wish to have three payment points, each academic year, which will be based on the number of credits that a student has assigned and that should be 100% paid in full at that time. We are not looking for a due date schedule that splits an annual fee.

The number of credits may be increased during the year but we do not wish this to trigger an immediate due date; rather we would want this to be included as part of the next payment point.

Looking for any advice that anyone can offer!

Best regards



0 Kudos

Hi Peter,

yes, it is possible to have module fees and NO program fees. You can configure the pricing procedure to include the calculation object as module.

Also please check the customizing 'Maintain Credit Type for Pricing'.

To have only one payment, you can configure due dates and time limit sequences with single installment.

Please get back if you have further questions. More information is also available at: SAP Student Lifecycle Management: Student ... | SCN

