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Cost of project

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi all,

1.What is project cost if i need to implement a SAP IS-H.

2.On which case we are choose this product?

3.How we custamize this?




Former Member
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Things to ponder when thinking of implementing IS-H:

1) Do you have a running SAP ECC system? As you know extending a system to an IS is not as expensive as implementing all SAP ECC just for IS-H. Also think product licences costs.

2) What are you going to use the IS-H for? think about simple things such as interfaces, printing forms, statistics, ... these simple things consume time.

3) Other requirements such as FI, CO, SD, MM,.. the matter is to consider if you need to integrate SAP IS-H with other modules. also time consuming.

Last thing, we implemented SAP Is-H by itself, it works fine, our goal was to use a network to regroup health centers located in various locations within a geographical zone. Then use the system is to collect data on statistics and send informations to centralized health systems (so interfaces involved);

Hope this helps Daniel.

0 Kudos


Thanks for your responce.

I have some doubts...

1.You said Integration, So by using which technology you integrated.

2.What is Exact need on Interfaces, means what type of interfaces?

3.Based on mY client requirement I am sugggeting that Bone, SAP IS-H and some thirdy party Health related product.

Please help me



0 Kudos

Hi Sushma,

1.You said Integration, So by using which technology you integrated.

a) Integration with other systems are required for different purposes. If you want to sell medications that are not a part of the case (products) you may required to use SD and MM modules. All the revenue generated through products and case services will be under the same company code.

2.What is Exact need on Interfaces, means what type of interfaces?

a) Pharmacy drugs, X-ray scans etc is in another system and these services are a part of case. So the services must be transfered to the case via interfaces. Before that, there is an ADT message (HL7) to the external systems whenever there is an admission, discharge or transfer created. Pricing can be decided on any system depends on the design

b) The interface engine can be QDX, cloverleaf or SAP XI (EP). I have used QDX and Cloverleaf but yet to use SAP XI and I will be using it for my next project.

3) 3.Based on mY client requirement I am sugggeting that Bone, SAP IS-H and some thirdy party Health related product.

a) You need to understand the architecture of SAP IS-H and it will help u in the solution. If you give me more information, I would be happy to help you.



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Hi rajesh

Thank you for your answers

We are expecting clients and I wll get back to you soon


Former Member
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