SAP CodeJam Blog Posts
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2017 is extra special for us, as it marks the five-year anniversary of the SAP CodeJam program. Craig Cmehil started this program back in 2012 with the idea to help share the knowledge, explore the latest in SAP technologies, and engage with fellow developers around the globe. As of today, we have completed almost 500 SAP CodeJam events, made developer connections in over 60 countries, and explored over 15 different SAP technologies and platforms. This has only been possible because of your continuous support, so thank you!

The Five-Year Journey – Key Milestones

On April 23rd, 2012 we conducted our first of 3 pilot events that kicked off the CodeJam program. We started with SAP CodeJam Berlin, then we hosted SAP CodeJam London and finally SAP CodeJam Tel Aviv. By the end of 2013, we had hit almost every continent besides Antarctica. In the process, we also saw some ‘competition’ brewing up in terms of the food offered at the events – it may have started with a picture of a group of CodeJam attendees having steak for lunch in a balcony somewhere in Germany but we are not sure... J

SAP CodeJam 2012-2017 stats

What’s new in 2017?

In addition to our already existing topics, we have introduced three new topics to kick-start 2017:

  • Getting started with SAP HANA, express edition: The topic will cover the basics from determining the version best for your needs to hardware requirements to download and installation. Our goal is to ensure that you have the security set, a new user and are able to connect your SAP HANA Studio, SAP WebIDE for SAP HANA as well as the SAP Web Development Workbench. By the end of this event, you’ll be able to head home and start working on your own SAP HANA environment

  • SAP HANA Cloud Platform, Predictive Services: This topic will give an overview of SAP HANA Cloud Platform (SAP HCP), and understand how SAP HCP, predictive services and SAP HANA fit in the SAP HCP landscape. It will also teach you to how to enable, deploy and configure the SAP HCP, predictive services, play with the SAP HCP, predictive services using a REST client like Postman and build a simple SAPUI5 application that interacts with the services.

  • SAP HANA Vora: SAP HANA Vora leverages and extends the Apache Spark execution framework to provide enriched interactive analytics on Hadoop. SAP HANA Vora is designed to add insight across large volumes of operational and contextual data taken from enterprise applications, data warehouses, data lakes and edge Internet of Things sensors.

You can find a complete list of our available topics here:

What are People Saying?

Feedback is very important to us as it helps us grow and improve future SAP CodeJams events. Here is what some of our attendees have to say about the SAP CodeJam program:

“The event was good, I specially liked the practical phase, we learned a lot and, materialized our learnings”

SAP CodeJam Yaounde, December 14, 2016

“I really like the opportunity to co-op with other attendees, be able to check/test and play with new SAP products”

SAP CodeJam Wroclaw, November 18, 2016

“I like that it's an event with many exercises to do and not much theory, and that we got to know some real examples”

SAP CodeJam Madrid, November 15, 2016

Attend One of our Upcoming Events:

Not sure what SAP CodeJam is?

SAP CodeJam is a 5 to 6 hours event where a small group of developers get together for an afternoon of networking, learning, and coding in an ultra-casual environment all for free. Attendees get a chance to share and expand their knowledge and collaboratively develop with SAP technologies, platforms and tools under the watchful guidance of an expert. The events are developer community focused and supported by SAP, exploring technologies available through the SAP Developer Center.

How can you request a CodeJam event?

Anyone can host an SAP CodeJam event in their city. If you are interested, please send your request to and include the following info in the email: name and email of the local contact person for the event, country and city in which the event will take place, estimated number of attendees (25 – 40), topic of the event, location, 3 possible dates. Someone in the SAP CodeJam team will get back to you within 1 – 2 days to confirm and finalize the details. Click here for additional information about these events. We are now accepting requests!



Active Contributor
Congratulations 🙂 CodeJams rock!
Active Contributor
Hello Krishna,

I was participant of one of these CodeJams in Frankfurt almost two years ago and it was great. Information exchange and communication was matchless.
Thanks to you and your colleagues for this possibilities.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos
Hey Krishna,


congrats on those 5 Years!

In the last 2 or 3 years I attend some of them myself and really did like it!


Also thanks for that short list of upcoming events!

On this, I also have a whish: could we please have a permanent list of upcoming CodeJam-Events?!

-> Like we had back in SCN....



0 Kudos
Hi Joachim,

Thank you! I am glad to hear that you enjoyed attending the SAP CodeJam events. You can find a complete list of our upcoming events here:


Active Contributor
0 Kudos
Hi Krishna,

thanks, but unfortunately you answer is not too helpful. 😞

The list seems in no way complete:

  1. It only goes up to March

  2. More important: out of the 3 CodeJam events you mention in your blog above, only 1 is on that list - Sao Leopoldo and Chicago are missing!


Maybe I'm overlooking something?



0 Kudos
Hi Joachim,

We update the events weekly, hence the reason why Sao Leopoldo and Chicago weren't on the list earlier. The list includes events that are coming up within the next three months - the events calendar now has April events as well.
Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Thanks for clarifying, Krishna!
Active Contributor
0 Kudos
Hi Krishna,

great blog post!

I didn't know that I started a competition when I posted this photo from our balcony in Stuttgart 😉

In the meantime we moved. This means bigger office, bigger balcony and bigger BBQ. I'm already looking forward to the SAP Vora CodeJam April 21st in Stuttgart!

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