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RSS Feed Items - Parameters?

Active Contributor

Hey guys,

after platform migration the RSS Feed list only 10 items (again). Good old SCN got some URL parameter to control this behavior (for more details please check this thread:

How can i list all my RSS feed items? I include my RSS blog feed on my website and need all items.

Thank you.



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Active Contributor

Hi Jerry,

i know that WordPress does support RSS (e.g. in my blog case, but your current implementation lists only 10 items. This is not enough (if you want to include the feed on other sources) and needs to be controlled by some parameter like on the old platform - please check the link that i provided. Not quite sure why you removed such useful features with the new platform.

The other part is RSS feeds for community topics (or tags how it is called nowadays to be more trendy) - this is totally gone.



Active Contributor

Hi Stefan,

I've asked Oliver the same thing (enable the use of 'numItems'). Wordpress apparently has a server side setting. From this site (halfway):

"I requested 10 feed items but I only see 5. How do I increase the limit?

If the RSS feed only includes 10 items at a time, you will only ever be able to request 10 items at most. (Hint: Load the feed in your browser to confirm) Even if you request 100 items, you will only get at most 10. You should contact whomever controls the feed and ask them to increase the number of items in their feed.

For WordPress blogs, go to Settings » Reading and change the value of "Syndication feeds show the most recent ___ items" to change the number of feed items available."

So I asked Oliver to tune that setting, but he didn't like making too many ad hoc changes at the moment.

I hope he'll change his mind later on, when things have settled down a bit...