Provisioning a KYMA instance on SAP BTP
This blog shows, how to install postgres, kafka and redis on a Kubernetes cluster here SAP® KYMA.
Enable SAP BTP, Kyma Runtime | SAP Tutorials
Got to the SAP BTP site:
Enable KYMA in BTP:
Sizing of the KYMA Cluster in the Trial Account:
Install local tools
Install Ubuntu on WSL2 and get started with graphical applications:
Install kubectl:
Update the config in .kube environment
1. Copy the kubeconfig URL from the BTP Site, download the file

2. Rename the file to config and put it in the .kube directory (in your home directory)
Installing Pods on KYMA Cluster
- Postgres DB
kubectl apply -f ./Step1_Setup/k8s/postgres
Test Postgres
kubectl exec -it <postgres_pod> -- psql -U postgres
Find useful commands for postgres here:
- Kafka, Zookeeper, AKQH
Before deployment, update the HOSTNAME in the /k8s/kafka/akhq-api-rule.yaml file
Get the hostname as in the screenshot:

or apply the following command:
kubectl get gateway kyma-gateway -n kyma-system -o=jsonpath='{.spec.servers[0].hosts[0]}'
Then apply the .yaml files.
kubectl apply -f ./Step1_Setup/k8s/kafka
- Redis
kubectl apply -f /k8s/redis
Test the Kafka Connection
-Deploy testclient
kubectl apply -f /Step1_Setup/k8s/kafkatestclient.yaml
-Create Topic
kubectl exec -ti testclient -- ./bin/ --zookeeper zookeeper:32181 --topic messages --create --partitions 1 --replication-factor 1
-Check Topic
kubectl exec -ti testclient -- ./bin/ --zookeeper zookeeper:32181 --list
-Create a listener for the topic ( open a new terminal session for this)
kubectl exec -ti testclient -- ./bin/ --bootstrap-server kafka:29092 --topic messages --from-beginning
-Create a producer for the topic ( open a new terminal session for this)
kubectl exec -ti testclient -- ./bin/ --broker-list kafka:29092 --topic messages
Enter a message in the producer terminal session, this should be shown in the listener session.
Test the AKHQ Website
The AKQH website shows the topics created. You have to forward the local port, here to 9090 local
kubectl port-forward <akhq-pod> localport:8080
Open your browser and enter the URL
See the Kafka topics an messages.

Code is available from Github Repository: